All hail the mighty breakfast waffle

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    When Chiron and I crossed camp boundaries, the memories rushed back. When you live alone, its easy to forget people and places.

     But all the new cabins for the minor gods, the new workshops and places to learn new skills were all new to me. Campers went through their activities and worked, a satyr played his pipes in the strawberry fields. I could see a green flash in the woods -probably a tree spirit or wood nymph. Roman demigods were scattered around too, standing out in their purple SPQR tshirts, here for the summer exchange student style.

    The evening meal is approaching, I can tell. The sun has started to make its slow decent to the western horizon, staining the sky a splash of colors. "You came back right in time for the night games." Chiron says.

    I nod. What are the night games?

   "Would you prefer to come, or settle into the Athena cabin?" Chiron asks.

   "I'll be in the cabin." I tell him, and he follows me down the hill and through the long trek to the cabin. I'm instantly smacked in the face with memories of the place, and of the campers that live here. My half brothers and sisters are here. My family. 

    But my dad makes things complicated.

    I don't want to be blamed for his choices and betrayal.

    Stepping slowly across the threshold, I glance inside. Same beds all shoved to one wall. Same maps  collaged to the walls and ceiling. Same old books stacked on the shelves and desks. It's home. 

    I look to the left and see one desk occupied. The head councilor of this cabin is hunched over her work. Annabeth Chase.

   Chiron grunts to get her attention, and Annabeth's head snaps up to look. She is confused at first, and then looks to Chiron. "You remember Ophelia?" He asks.

   A flicker of recognition glints in her eyes and she nods, closing her book, and shoving back the chair to stand up. "You're back?" Annabeth asks.

    "I guess." I answer, right in time for the conch shell to be blown, announcing dinner.

    Annabeth steps into position as the other campers rush to the cabins to line up with their siblings. Athena cabin is quick and efficient, lining up military style to be dismissed. One camper wears the roman shirt. "Daughter of Minerva." Annabeth says when she sees my confusion.

    So many new faces.

    We are dismissed for supper, and we make our way up to the pavilion, toward the smell of... breakfast?

    I must have a certain look on my face when I'm confused, because Annabeth quickly explained that last year, Percy Jackson had thought it would be funny to have one day of the week have supper food for breakfast, and breakfast for supper food. 

   So waffles and pancakes and eggs and omelettes. Okay.

    We take our seat at the table, most of my siblings introducing themselves or at least remembering me.

    The food is served, and I quickly dig into my waffle. Omigods. This is amazing. I could eat these all day tomorrow. 

    I pour some more applesauce over my peanut butter slathered waffle, and take a huge bite. I'm not worrying about manners tonight.

    "TAKE A SHOWER!" a voice behind me calls. I'm hit in the back of the head with a cheap deodorant stick and a small bar of soap.

    I turn around to a honey-ginger haired boy with intense blue eyes and a strong build. It was a softer build though, like he doesn't have to work hard to get the look. The glares at me, and says, "good hygiene is an important part of life!" 

    I look at him like, boi.

    "Shoo, Weston. She just got here." One of my brothers pipes up. 

    "She should at least-" Weston starts to argue, but Annabeth turns and squints her eyes at the situation.

    "It's just Weston Camone, son of Hygiea and his dad runs a soap factory." Another says.

    "In battle, he's just brute force." The girl beside me adds.

    I nod, and turn back to my tasty waffle.

Stronger Than Ever - a fan sequal to the Percy Jackson series.Where stories live. Discover now