Seriously. This was not my fault.

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  Right after dinner were the night games. I know Capture the Flag. But the night games? Never heard of 'em.

    "Divide into your teams. Magic is allowed. No maiming, killing, or sending people to the underworld!" Chiron said, squinting at Nico de Angelo at the last part.

    I smile. I have two magic idems. My bag of vials and Vanquisher. 

   "We're working with Apollo, Poseidon, Hermies, Hygiea, Hecate, and Dynoisus." Annabeth said. "Against hephestis, Ares, Aphrodite, Demeter, hypnos, Iris, and Hades."

    Percy Jackson stood next to her, and nodded to the group that had formed around us. "As co-captain, a plan for attack and defence will be made." He told us.

   "Apollo, your archers will be stationed throughout the most direct routes to the flag.  Hermies, you're on defence. Hecate, you're also on defence." Two boys stepped up, and stopped their game of tossing little balls of bright blue fire at each other. So they're hecate's kids? Wait... that makes them my uncles. (A perfect example on why not to think about your godly side to much)

   Percy stepped up. "Athena will also be spread out, and Weston, you're on offense. Dynoisus, you're with me an Annabeth-"

   I raised my hand.

    Annabeth sighed, and nodded. 

   "How is this different from capture the flag?" I asked.

   "It's played in total darkness. It starts at twilight." She answered.

    "Okay." I say slowly. Why didn't they just call it 'Capture the Flag - night version'?

    "Strap on your armor. We're gonna go win this." Percy declared.


    I'm on flag defence. I hate defence.

    I pull my hairpin out, and it becomes my bladed staff, ready to fight. 

    Two African American girls were stationed next to me. "I don't see why this is so nessesary, Amy. I'd rather go and play my guitar then sit up in this tree and shoot people." One said, her lond dark hair shifting in the breeze as she climbed up to the lowest branch.

   "Cameron, it won't kill you to get out once in a while." The one with two tightly done French braids answered. Their bows were ready, although Amy seemed a little more focused. 

   I looked closely at the Camp Half Blood shirts. "Wait, is that C-B-H?" I ask, my dyslexia made it hard to tell. I pointed to the acronym on their shirts with confusion.

   Amy sighed. "Yeah, whoever entered the shirts for manufacturing made that mistake. So this is what we all wear this year." Amy answered.

    I nodded.  The mistake was understandable. A demigod's dyslexia was annoying, with our brains hardwired for Ancient Greek.

    With Amy and Cameron in the trees, and me standing idly on the ground with nothing to do, my ADHD kicked in. I have a short attention span, so waiting 'intently' for someone to appear and fight me is unbearable. 

   "Im going to go and see if I can make my way around and surprise them from the back." I tell Amy, unable to just sit around much longer.

    "Annabeth said to-" Amy started, but I was already gone, Trying to keep my footsteps light and soundless. Pushing some of my loose hair from my eyes, I squint in the growing darkness. Monsters would be out by now. Reaching into my bag, I struggle to read the labels on the viles.

   I finally give up, and find a dry stick. Holding it before me, I whisper, "Kindle the inextinguishable flame, Burn bright and hot, Burn till dawn, Burn it up, Ignite this fire, Hecate's everlasting flame." 

    The purple and gold fire blooms from the stick immediately, giving me a torch. Holding up the light, I scan my surroundings. Dark trees cast daunting shadows around me, the moss hanging from the branches in a loose manner, swaying in the cold breeze. 

   "What are you, a moron?" I hear behind me, and the person smacks my torch from my hand. The stick falls to the ground, igniting the dry pine needles.

   "Idiot!" I yell, watching Annabeth Chase try to stomp it out. "That won't work!" I tell her, panicking as the dry trees flare up with light, the purple flames licking the branches. Percy appears from the trees, coming to help.

    "A light will draw attention to your location!" Annabeth hissed. "Percy! Draw water from the creek!" she told her boyfriend, whom she was partnered with.

    "On it!" He replies, and the trickling sounds of the creek grow and respond to Percy's outstretched hand, obeying the command. A wall of water douses the fire, but it does no good. The fire just steams and keeps on going, spreading faster than any natural fire ever could.

    "What did you do?!?!?" Annabeth turns to me. "This isn't greek fire!"

    "No, its not!" I snarl with frustration, and raise my arms to the purple fire. "Hecate's everlasting flame! Ignite this fire! Burn it up! Burn till dawn! Burn bright and hot! Kindle the inextinguishable  Flame!" I yell, and with a loud WOOSH the fire sucks itself back to the source, pillaring up and sinking into my hands. 

   "What in Tartarus?!?!" Percy stares, glancing between me and Annabeth.

   "I had it under control, until you knocked it out of my hand!" I turn on my half sister. 

    "Well, maybe I would have known that you had magic fire if you told me!" She humphs, Folding her arms as Chiron melts from the trees, probably coming to investigate the purple fire which had erupted then disappeared just as quick. 

    "Maybe I could have told you that it was magic if you hadn't have snuck up on me?" I roll my eyes.

   "If you had stuck to the plan, this wouldn't have happened." Annabeth replies.

    "Silence, children." Chiron interrupts us, and I hear the horn blast. Its the Ares team. They won.

    "Great. Now we've lost." Annabeth straitens herself, and turns to me one more time. "Next time, stick to the plan, and don't make me come and guide you out of stupid mistakes... like holding up a torch that gives away your position?"

   "Stupid mistakes?" I retort, "You want to talk about stupid mistakes, lets talk about you coming up to me thinking, 'Oh look! Its my new sister that I know nothing about! And she has purple fire! It must be normal! Lets scare her, knock it to the ground, and see if stomping on it helps'?" I mock her. 

   "Silence, Children!" Chiron repeats, quieting us. "We can discuss tonights event another time. Let us adjourn to the presenting of the laurels." 

   "This was still your fault." Annabeth whispers, sighing. "But Chiron is right."

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Stronger Than Ever - a fan sequal to the Percy Jackson series.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя