Chapter 2

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Later that same evening the whole city of Rhye showed up in their evening dresses and tuxedos.

Where Queen and their girls were talking to Kerry and the girls.

"Something's wrong with the White Queen she was in a bitter mood earlier today" John said as he wrapped an arm around Veronica.

"Oh no not again" 'Tis said rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean by that?" Bran asked worriedly.

"Every once and while the Black Queen sister likes to turn her into her right hand woman" Maryanne replied.

Meanwhile around the corner.

The Black Queens were plotting on how they should turn Queen and their girls into their entourage.

"Okay here's the plan, we give the 8 of them these horderves and by the next morning they will be ours" Angelica laughed evilly.

"Now don't just stand there go" Lauren said smiling .

So Angelica walked over to the group of 8 and said.

"Fruit danish anybody?".

"Sure" they said in unison.

She asked Lola and the girls but they said 'no' and walked back to Lauren.

"So how did it go"

"It went well they'll feel the effects in the morning".

"Well done"'

"Thank you".

The ball continued for a while until 11:15pm.

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