Chapter 16

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Roger opened his eyes. "Lydia?" He croaked.

"Shhhhhh Rog. You're alright" she whispered as she stroked his face.

"What happened?" Roger look around the room as he rubbed his eyes.

The others explained everything that happened to him, which he was in shock afterwords. Nothing bad ever happened to him ever since he and the others got to Rhye. After a few hours Roger finally recovered and was ordered to take it easy for the rest of the day.

Meanwhile in the kitchen The White Queen began to regain consciousness.

"Look darlings she's coming to" Freddie pointed.

The Queen opened her eyes and blinked rapidly and wincing due the bright lights in her eyes

"Oh my head..........What happened? Why am I wearing all black?" She sat up slowly as she wrote her head.

"The Black Queen put you under her evil spell, turning you evil" Chrissie looked down at her.


They nodded and they explained the rest to her, taking her home after and letting her recover due to the massive headache that she had. And the others took good care of her that day.

"Here you go darling, some warm tea for you" Freddie handed the mug to her.

White Queen (A Queen fantasy series )Where stories live. Discover now