t w e n t y

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After being in San Diego, I head back to Los Angeles as Cody and the team landed just yesterday. I've been off social media and just been focusing on being with my family and friends. I get to LA as I text Cody

T E X T  M E S S A G E

I: baby, wya?

C: at home, are you still in SD?

I: nope! Just got to LA and I wanted to see if you were busy?

C: Baby, for you? never. come over I miss you!

I smile widely as I head to his house, I open his gate and park my car as I close the gates. I run inside as he immediately runs to me and hugs me tightly

"no way is it possible to miss someone this much" he whispers as I hug him tighter

"I missed you. And i'm so proud of you on the games. wow, I missed you" I laugh softly as I kiss him hard

We talk about me being back home and his games, I make a quick dinner since I haven't eaten and he smiles cheekily at me

"Are you staying the night?" He smiles widely as I laugh softly

"No, I have to get home babe. But, I will be attending the game" I wink as he smiles

"i'll take it!" he laughs as I roll my eyes

We sit down and eat as we begin talking about all the hate comments as he reassures me that no matter what we'll always communicate with each other.

I end up going back home as Cody is on facetime with me, I get dressed in pjs and lay down. We end up falling asleep.

T H E  N E X T  M O R N I N G

I wake up as Cody has hung up the call. I shower and get ready as I text Eli and she asks me to wait for her so we can go to the game together. I put on his jersey with some ripped skinny jeans and black booties. I have my hair straight and down.

Eli comes as we laugh as we're matching,

"this is why we're best friends"

We go to the game as I we get stressed out with how the boys are playing. After the game we go up to the guys as Cody kisses me softly and walks away as I frown and Mariana hugs me

"Trust me, it's all the guys. not just him"

I groan annoyed as he heads home and I head to the apartment with Eli and we watch netflix and watch movies.

My phone dings as it's Mariana

M: Have you talked to cody?

I: no/: I'm thinking of just showing up and staying over at his house. Even if he doesn't want to talk, I just want to cuddle and stay quiet

M: do it dude. If kike is feeling it, imagine cody..

Eli goes to bed as I pack clothes and go to cody's house. I park and go inside as I go to his room as he's asleep. I change and get into bed as he feels me and quickly brings me into his chest as he sighs softly

"i'm sorry for being angry" he whispers

I bite my lip, "shh babe. just cuddles and sleep okay? I completely understand" I whisper

We stay quiet as we just cuddle and fall asleep

a|n : what the fuck was up with the team today 😭🤦🏾‍♀️

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