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annabelle sits into calum's car, she was much better now considering that luke had taken so much care of her at the hospital.

calum helps her strap in her seatbelt as when she bent over it hurt her back.

bruna walks in the car greeting annabelle.

"where we heading?" bruna asks and annabelle smirks, "it's a surprise" she answers.

calum kept glancing back at annabelle while he was driving, he couldn't resist it. she was just too pretty not to stare at.

"so uh how's your back doing?" calum says filling in the silence. he stops at the red light and looks at annabelle's thighs.

"much better but it hurts a hella lot when i bend over" annabelle responds and calum nods his head signifying that he understood.

the red light turned into a green light and calum drove into the drive way of a pier, "no way" bruna says.

the pier was the first place calum and bruna met. bruna had first swam out of the water and some guys threw a volleyball to her head she tipped over about to fall on someone when calum catches her.

"so calum is feeling shy right now but he wrote this to you saying sorry" annabelle handed over bruna a note with calums writing on it.

i love you and i'm sorry i spoke to you the way i did a few days ago, you're mine you will always be mine so i just brought you here to remind you of the day we first day each other and the day i knew you were the one.

after reading the note bruna teared up. calum just looked away feeling nervous he wasn't the type to show emotion. unless they were kissing yes.

"annabelle planned this" calum says placing his hand on her face then squishing it.

"thanks annabelle so much" bruna adds.

annabelle gets out of the car with help of calum. he walks her to the beach along with bruna.

"im gonna go to the bathroom really quick okay" bruna says running up the sand and into a random restaurant. (oh no calum and annabelle are gonna be alone)

"so how long have you and bruna been together?" belle questions calum counts all the years together also remembering all the good memories.

"3 years almost she's so funny" he laughs and annabelle trips on the sand screaming because of her aching back. calum catches her before she would hit the sand and looks into her eyyes wanting to kiss her.

annabelle wanted to lean in but the time went so slow once she looked into calum's eyes. it was amazing. she felt everything around her move smoothly and slowly.

it happened.

calum leaned into kiss her and annabelle didn't pull away, calum liked the way she tasted and the way she would flutter her eyes open once in a while.

annabelle pulls away finding bruna staring wide eyed at both of them.

calum was caught cheating on bruna but so was annabelle.


theres drama on twitter that acacia deactivated and im sort of happy

the gif on the side is how i thought annabelles eyes looked like, pretty right?

ire and i are trying really hard to get presale tickets so wish us luck lol, if youre also trying to get them i pray and wish you luck haha.

also new story i created called the notebook, no it is not related to the movie so go check it out it ll be brilliant i feel.

i also wanted to say i haven't been on much bc im having some struggles rn so ill be updating pretty slow not like i used to

lub yall

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