The aftermath of the decison

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Thank you for reading I just want to make sure that I don't offend anyone by if I do then please let me know so I can amend anything

Brendon's pov

After finding my soulmate the person in which i am going to marry to live with have children with be happy with I am happy that I finally find out why I didn't get a mark until now I am happy that she came her and has given me a reason to divorce from Sarah the person why goes behind my back and sleeps with other people the person who doesn't like me meeting my fans the person who is kind to me but a different person when I am not around that's what I am scarred about I think that's what (y/n) is scared about too so I think me getting a divorce is the better option at the moment plus Sarah is not my soulmate (y/n) is so ya off to go talk to the lawyer to finalise everything and make sure she stays away from me and my family.

#timeskip to after the divorce is finalised and the first leg of the tour is over#

We just landed back in la again after a tiring first leg of the tour than now we have lots of award shows we gotta preform at so off we go around America to different locations and meeting new people and let the world know about my new hot soulmate and my divorce to Sarah as the world has only met her once and that was vira a live-stream which not a lot of people were in and introduced her as a friend not my soulmate so I think the world might be surprised to see that I married before I found mine so me and my agents talked and we think it's best if I go live and explain everything that has happened over the last couple of months with the divorce and me meeting my soulmate who I thought didn't exist as by the time I was 27 I thought I might or meet her or them as I had not gained a mark in 7 years so I figured that I marry a person who I loved at the time before I got to old and died on my own unhappy but now I will be happier and never die alone as Sarah never wanted children but (y/n) does as she wants to continue my family name as she has lists of brothers with children she does have to worry about carrying her last name however I am the only urie that is capable of producing a baby to carry on my name which is a good idea as that is what my parents would love to hear

Oh no my parents I haven't told my mum or dad about Sarah or me meeting my soulmate finally maybe I should go down and say hi with her and then we can go say hi to her family in the uk as I guess they are confused to why she left so suddenly and not come back in a few months so I think that they are panicking about her so I guess we need to go to los Vegas and Manchester to see our family and explain to them about everything that has happened over the corse of a few months

Thank you for reading this book and this chapter sorry about the long wait and the short chapter but I have just finished my small exam period which I hope by January I have passed my English and maths oh I failed it badly so if there are any errors anywhere let me know by comment thank you lots of love Lucy G xxx

Unrelated to this tho
Stan lee rip 1922-2018 the legend we all know him the cameos he does in every mcu movie up until avengers 4 may he rest in peace the creator of marvel

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