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As the airplane began its decent onto LA Airport's runway, the boys couldn't help but have a mini celebration, cheering when they felt the tires hit the tarmac. Jimin immediately clambered over Yoongi's lap to look out of the window, and stares longingly, his eyes full of awe and amazement, as the excitement began to build up inside him.

"We're actually here!!" Jiminie exclaimed, unable to control his emotions. All Yoongi could do was look upon the younger's actions fondly as he reached his hand out and caressed Jimin's hair. Once the younger felt the contact on his head, his eyes ceased from darting around, and instead remained wider than ever, as an infectious deep crimson had spread from his cheeks to his ears. Even Tae couldn't prevent himself from cooing at the others, however Jungkook still lurking in his thoughts.

~~~~(Time Skip because I have no plot for this part lmao)~~~~

As the members clambered into the back of a van driven by one of their many managers, they instead requested to be taken straight to the concert venue, before checking into the hotel. The manager merely nodded in response, glancing back at the precise placing of each member, Namjoon rode up front along with the manager, with Seokjin, Jungkook and Taehyung lurking behind, meanwhile Hoseok Jimin and Yoongi had positioned themselves at the back of the vehicle.

"Wahhh... it's so beautiful, right guys?" Namjoon questioned, his eyes glued longingly to the view outside one of the car windows. By this time, the sun was already setting, however they were all too excited to even consider preparing themselves for any sort of 'evenings rest', and blinked in awe at the spectacular lights that were displayed, merely one pane of glass away...

"It's amazing to think we've come this far..." The leader sighed in total disbelief. "I guess hard work really does pay off..." The other members simply listened to Namjoon, mouths slightly agape as they too began to reflect on the time leading up to where they are now... breaking records... vowing to themselves; each other, that someday the whole world will know who BTS is, how... even when the time comes... where they say their goodbyes... that ARMYs will still care, and hold them as dear to their hearts as they do to us. They envisioned how the Army Bombs light up empty concert spaces like beaming stars...

"You really are the rays of light in our darkness, Army... we love you... don't we?"  He spoke with great wisdom, turning to see the faces of the one and only BTS, before looking up to the darkening sky, as one by one, small specs of light soon became visible...

"Y-Yah... what's with all the serious talk..." Yoongi hollered from the back seat, hoping the wavering in his voice, and tears in his eyes would go unnoticed by the others. "All we can do is enjoy the moment of now. We can't spend our lives feeling sad about how one day, this will all come to an end, when we could instead just be happy about what we have now..." Such words flowed out of his mouth like silk, delicately touching and lifting the hearts of every single member... 

"And then you tell me to stop it with the "serious stuff' Namjoon chuckled, causing gentle laughter to sound throughout the vehicle until, before they knew it, they had arrived at where the concert was being held. The Kings of Pop had arrived, and there was no stopping them.


A/N: what is wrong with meeeeee... I was gonna make this chapter really fun/funny but then I got a bit too carried away with the feels... :(... dOn't toucH mE I aM cuRRentLy suFfeRinG frOm pOst-cOncerT dePresSioN... *cries*

I'll try to update more, but please check out my other story as well!! I'd really appreciate it!!

Don't forget to smile!!!

SARANGHAE!! <33333


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