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Tragically enough Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin drank my coffee.

"What the butt, my dudes? That was mine!" I cross my arms, still holding the sweater.

"It's not like you needed it. You sure didn't sound like you did." Monie smirks as he takes a sip of his drink.

"Bite me." I send daggers at him with my eyes.

"Seems Suga hyung did that for any of us, doesn't it." Jimin giggles as he sipped his drink too.

Tae avoiding eye contact, just stirring his drink staying quiet.


"Oppa can I have a sip of your coffee?" I hug Tae from behind and kiss his cheek. If this doesn't get those boys shook I might quit at life.

"S-sure Y/n-ssi." He hands me the cup and I take a drink.

Mmmmm. Nothing beats morning coffee and the fact that this is also bothering those two idiots? It's a 2 for 1.

"It's sweet," then I give him a light peck. "Just like you." I then ruffle his hair a little

His face red with blush while Jimin and Namjoon have a mixture of shock, disbelief and anger on there face, nuckles clenched around their cups.

"It's just a shame that none of you actually care about anything other than this game." I smile small but hurt and walk towards the living area.

"Is that what you think?" I hear RM speak from behind me.

I turn around to see him look very angry, standing up with his hands balled in fists.

"Oh don't get offended like YOU have the right to be hurt. Its not like you guys have yet to prove me wrong." I just shake my head and walk walking into the living room.

~~Namjoon's POV~~

Is that really how she feels? She thinks I don't care?

If only this girl knew...

She's got me wrapped around her finger.

~~Jimin's POV~~

She has every right to think that. Jesus I feel like crap.

I hate that she thinks I don't care. I think I ... I think I'm falling for that brat.

~~Taehyung's POV~~

She... Kissed me? She is my.... First kiss...

I mean I've messed around with plenty of the girls we've 'played with' but I've never kissed them! I was saving that for fate to decide...

And she... Took it...

And I... Liked it?

What is this feeling?

~~back to Y/n's POV~~

Why does it hurt? I mean at first I thought it was just me being sad about Kook and Chimmy but now it's all of them.

Are all guys just gonna see me like this?

Are they all just gonna see me as an object?

Something to relieve their tension?


I slump into the couch and wait for the cars to get here so we can hurry up and leave.

"Honey bean? Are you ok?" Sunni comes around the couch and looks at me with concern.

Those words making me feel so small. So vulnerable and so weak.

I look around her for a second and can't hold my feelings anymore.

I start to cry heavy and hard tears. Sobbing aggressively.

She rushes to pull me into her arms and pet my hair.

She sets me in her arms and rocks me. Whispering that it's gonna be ok.

Soon I calmed down a little bit just enough to be coherent.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" She pulls me away a little to wipe my face.

I close my eyes, afraid I might see more than just Sunni.

I took a deep breath and sigh. I didn't want tell Sunni cuz I knew she would kill them and I care about them, even if they don't care about me.

I cry just a little more and stick out my bottom lip in a pout. "Namjoon, Jimin and Tae Tae drank my coffee!" I whine.

Sunni sighs and then giggles. I open my eyes to see her and all 7 of the boys with a look of relief then the called out 3 with a look of guilt.

Yoongi and Kook frown and glare at the 3.

"I'll kill you." Yoongi growls at then making them flinch a little.

Hoseok comes up and grabs me out of Sunni's arms caring me like a child, making sure to wrap my legs around his waist and placing my head on his shoulder, while rubbing my back to comfort me.

Dead ass, my baby ass got hella tired from this small gesture.

"Awe my poor babygirl. She had a long night with that old man *gestures towards Jin* then gets wrecked by that grandpa ass hole over their, getting no rest. All she wanted was her coffee and y'all selfish ass holes couldn't even let her get one thing that makes her happy? You all should be ashamed." He says while swaying and rocking me in his arms.

I feel my eyes get heavy and I start to drift off...

~~3rd person POV~~

"Old man?" Jin asks in disbelief, crossing his arms.

"What did you say Yoongi did?!" Jungkook raises his voice. Glaring at Suga.

Everyone looks at him then the room grows dead silent seeing how Yoongi is looking at Hobi. Murder in his eyes.

"What did you just call her?" He growls towards Hoseok.

"Pardon?" A little confused and slightly scared he shifts his body to protect the now sleeping Y/n.

"Did you just call her what I think you just called her?" Raising his voice, making his hyungs jump.

"W-what are you talking about, Yoongi?"

"BABYGIRL! You called her YOUR poor babygirl." He shouts.

His loud voice waking up Y/n.

"Yoongi-oppa why are you yelling?" She asks and Hope sets her down immediately them cowers behind her.

Yoongi's expression softens seeing that his loudness startled her awake.

She rubs her eyes and pouts a little.

"Awe cute!" The boys all sigh in unison.

Sunni giggles and shakes her head. "Pabos. How are you so gonna fight over Y/n like a pack of solve then turn into a pack of marshmallows when she turns the mochi level up? Y'all are something else."

"I'm not cute. I'll eat your first born. Fight me." Y/n huffs and crosses her arms, only making the boys grow softer at her small appearance.

One of the staff let's them know that the van is there to take them to the concert hall.

~~Y/n POV~~

What the hell just happened?

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