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I was wrong.

4 hours was not enough time.

I am so FREAKING exhausted!

And Hoseok waking up didn't help the situation.

"Hobi! Yoongi is literally right there!" I whisper yelled at the man hovering over my tired form.

"He's a deep sleeper. It's fine." His hands holding mine above my head as he attacks my neck like some hungry animal.

"Hoseok-ah, I'm tired. Can we just rest for now." I whined, my body starting to fight my mind.

My brain is tired. My body is vibrating at his touch.

"If you're tired just close your eyes and let me do the rest, ok baby." He whispered a against my sensitive skin.

He grabs my legs, wrapping then around his waist.

He goes back up to kiss my lips. I kiss back.

His right hand pulling my underwear a little to the side as he rubs his hard length against my sex.

"Hobi, wai-"

I was cut off by a knock on the door.

That didn't stop Hobi though.

He started to kiss and suck at my neck, grinding harder his time. The friction making me let out a small moan.

They knock again.

"H-Hobi. The door." I struggle to let out as I tap his shoulder to persist.

"Y/n..." He whines a little.

"Fine I'll get it." I say pushing him off me and fix myself up a little before walking to the door.

I hear him huff in frustration as I walk to the door.

I open the door to see a teary eyed Jungkook.

My heart practically shatters.

My arms reach out to him and pull him into my embrace.

He starts sobbing as his head rest on my chest.

I pet his hair to try and calm him down.

"What wrong, baby. Are you ok?" Not being able to mask my worried tone.

"I had a really bad dream that you left us and when I woke up I went to go look for you but you weren't there. I thought you left." His crying making him almost incoherent.

I pull way and examine is broken face.

This poor baby.

"I'm right here ok. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." I wipe the tears from his eyes and he just nods while looking down at me.

"Noona?" He asks in a small voice.

"Yeah?" I push some hair out of his face.

He paused for a second, seeing and unamused Hoseok shooting daggers from his eyes.

"Can you help me go back to sleep. The show isn't til 8 tonight and practice isn't til noon."

Hoseok scoffs. "Kook are you serious? You're a grown man. You'll be fine sleeping by yourself."

Um that's not how a littles mind work HOEseok.

I turn to face him and glare.

"Stop. You're being an ass." I say crossing my arms.

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