Chapter 2 - Suspicions

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Loki - Arrival

I was placed in solitary the first month back here on earth. After that, I was given a deal, one, that if I agree to work with the Avengers my sentence would be commuted. Time served and probation under house arrest, with around the clock security detail and a tracking cuff. The thin black metal band on my wrist constantly reporting my location, I move two inches and S.H.I.E.L.D. knows about it. Any attempt at escaping and it releases an electric shock strong enough to incapacitate me. Also limiting where I can be at any given time also. There is also the stipulation of if I can prove myself trustworthy enough for them I could potentially come and go of my own free will, something I'll believe when I see it happen. A deal in which I begrudgingly took, seeing as the other options were less appealing. It also gained me a few opportunities to not be confined indoors, as I couldn't come and go from the tower as I pleased just yet. My options are this floor or the training floor and nothing else unless accompanied by Thor. As the elevators this far up in the tower are DNA coded, besides the cuff's restrictions. Yes this still left me a prisoner but I have been given the chance to not be the villain for once, hopefully, that works out for me.

Security has been dialed back in the past few months as I haven't any current plans to escape or a want to currently conquer the planet. I find the simple fact that the agents don't last long being easily intimidated by things they couldn't comprehend highly amusing. Honestly though, I've got it made it seems, S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark have been covering the costs of mine and Thors living here for almost a year now. It is still what they call house arrest and it's far from living in Asgard, but worlds better than any prison cell. Unfortunately, this floor was supposedly occupied by an agent that is away on assignment as Stark put it, so we were being housed here for the time being.

There isn't anything that might indicate the identity of the owner in the apartment. As it seems the agents' identity was deemed confidential and if there were any, they had been removed prior to our arrival. The apartment itself is lavish and extravagant in what they call old world gothic decor. Whomever this agent is, they spaired no expence for their comfort. As there was hardly any inch of the floors that weren't covered by thick intricate rugs or windows framed with the finest woven silks and velvet. The furniture equally as opulent in comfort and style. Almost every wooden piece intricately carved with some form of embellishment. Everything here is of antiquity of some form or fashion, especially the decor. It all gives off an aged feeling, as it if it had absorbed and is now releasing the essence of everything it has bore witness to. The scent of freshly burnt incense has now long faded from the air since we were first brought here. It gave the place a slight feel of home for me, it was calming, helping come to terms with being here. I had found two half burned cones left of it in a serpent shaped burner but no knowledge of where or how to obtain it on Midgard. I miss the scent as it gave me a sense of contentment, something I haven't felt since long before falling from the Bifrost.

Nobody has discussed who the agent is or how long he or she would be gone, yet, this agent has to come back at some point, right? The room that I've been occupying is also lavishly furnished, to add the green and gold decor is what had drawn me to it. Besides the strong magic I felt that once resided within it, there is only the faint trace of whomever's magic lingering here now. It has faded completely with time and mine now being the more prominent, to which it was starting to fade when we first came to live on this floor. It had given me a weird feeling of calmness and clarity. The magic here felt as if it flowed like water, it had a lightness to it, not a weighted dominant forced feeling like most of what I knew. Thor never picked up on it being oblivious when it comes to sensing things of that nature. Yet, it was all confirmed when I discovered the beginnings of a fresh grimoire with a weak protection spell laying on the desk in the bedroom that I am staying in, along with many more volumes on the bookshelf close by.

What took me by surprise and was most concerning though, is that they are all written in the language of the dark elves. This leaving me wondering more of the owner. The owner I guess, may not have anticipated anyone adept in the arts to find them. I have spent my time now pouring over the volumes. Learning their contents and applying the new found knowledge to my own skills. Instead of feeling forced and drained after complicated spells or illusions, my magic flows without thinking or being drained. I have my suspicions of this agent, yet, I'm not too inclined to mention any of this to Thor. Seeing as they will be of use upon their return. Knowing his stance on the dark elves, this is better kept to myself for now.

~1 Year Later~


As I am sitting in the living room I let my mind wander from the book I have been reading. I am pulled out of my deep thoughts by the sound of the elevator doors opening and closing down the hall. Thor hasn't mentioned us receiving guests tonight. So, this struck me as odd and suspicious as the a.i. hasn't announced anyone's arrival or the fact that no one has walked down the hallway, there aren't any footsteps to be heard. No one can just 'accidentally' get off on this floor, it is a DNA coded door for this apartment and a separate private access elevator system for security purposes. The only access point was off the 40th floor where offices give way to Starks research floors. The Avengers floors below this one and Starks own private labs and residence above us.

"Thor, the elevator door just opened and closed but no one got out. Are we expecting guests?" This was an occurrence that has never happened before.

"None that I'm aware of." Thor replied warily, also concerned about the occurrence. We have dealt with a large amount of concern from the people of this planet about the Asgardian people taking refuge here. A great amount was negative feelings with the events that transpired when Thanos caused half the population to disappear and the attack I led all those years ago. My involvement with the attack on New York had been kept from the public, to protect the people of Asgard. But still, I have to face the consequences of my actions even though they were not entirely of my own free will. Any beings not of this world are now viewed as a potential threat, earning us an unending stream of threats.

We approached the elevator door to find only a small grey duffel bag on the floor but not a soul to be found. Thor cautiously picks up the bag and takes it to the kitchen to inspect it.

"Well, it hasn't exploded yet, open it and maybe it will yield answers as to the door opening." I state bluntly, and as I expected, Thor dumps its' contents on the table. Only to find a new phone still in the box, a few dollars, a S.H.I.E.L.D. i.d., and a note in the same language as the grimoires.

"Some people aren't very careful just leaving their belongings lying around." Thor has such a talent for stating the obvious.

I quickly make the note disappear before Thor had a chance to notice it and picked up the i.d. It was that of a female agent by the name Vanta Roswell. Why though, would this agent show up unannounced and just leave her belongings there? With this, we searched the floor completely as the apartment spanned the whole floor, but found nothing. My suspicions only fueled with finding the note. Some things are starting to line up as to who the agent is that lives here, but how would what seems to be an average human know elvish? Not to mention how a random agent could just waltz in on this floor without proper clearance.

"I hate to admit this but I think we need to alert Stark to this, I'm not having the blame fall on me if foul play has fallen upon this agent." No, I'm not taking the fall for this. I know most everyone here would rather have me rotting in a cell somewhere, or worse, but that wish isn't getting granted today. With that, Thor tried to call Stark but got no answer, just a text message back 'Debriefing an agent with Fury will get back with you after'. My patience is thinning by the minute, so let the waiting game begin.

After hours of waiting, Stark still hasn't contacted us. I had just finished rechecking the sleeping quarters down the hall from the elevator as Thor was finishing rechecking the living and entertainment areas on the opposite end of the hall. I am about to turn the corner to head toward the elevator, hear it stop on our floor and the doors opened again. I stop abruptly as this catches me off guard, things start to move in slow motion as I find myself slipping into a combat mindset. I make my way down the hall silently behind the would-be intruder.


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