Chapter 1

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Lucinda doesn't know if what she is doing is right but she had to at least try. She just spent all her fortune to buy ticket for herself and unborn children. Earth isn't a place to rise children especially to E-class citizen. Life is hard for a single E-call citizen and you haven't add children in the mix. She wanted find a better life for herself and children.

Lucinda was a half-bred between earthling and Kayesh. But Lucinda look mostly like and earthling. She didn't get any of her father ability and looks except for her hair and eyes. Kayesh race are legendary creature known for their strength in battle. They have human droid form plus cool wings at their back . With their superior fighting skill and fire element ability manage to retain top 5 rank in FederationAlliance of Aurora (FAOA). They are the Overloads of different universe. When provoked cities even countries end up reduce to ashes. Only idiots will it or suicidal people like Lucinda mother Kelly. Usually they ask question later after they serve the beating first. That is if the poor fellow survive.

Her mother (Kelly) had a lot of hope and dream for her. She never bother to work hand to attain her dream. So she wound short cut by scheming her way. She scheme her way into Kayesh overload bed. She thought that after she get pregnant, her life will be secured. And if she give birth to a girl her life will be guarantee. She will live like a queen like every class A citizen. Since Kayesh are known for their over protectiveness of their female especially young ones. 

So when Kelly gave birth to a girl, she was elastic. She name her child Lucinda which means beautiful light since she is a red hair like her father no wings. Lucinda had her mother fair skin color and blue eye. She was a cute happy baby. 

After 2 months of trying been a consing parent, her mother went to find her father. She left Lucinda with her friend. Lucinda was a product of one nightstand. There was no love involve. Heck even her mother wasn't in her father radar. He doesn't know Kelly existed. She was one among many women he had one nightstand with. 

Kelly though it was simple to find her Kayesh overload and he would remember her. Little did she know for citizen with class-E to pass and go to class-A block is all most impossible the security point.  The security point gate were highly guarded. For class-E citizen to pass they needed to show plenty of paper work and reason to go there. Furthermore, there is a need to verify all the documents and the individual whom they visit.

Lucinda didn't know what happen to her mother but according to her mother's friend Ellie, her mother change. She was no longer the same a before. A happy person with bubbling personality. Her mother became depressed, a former shell of herself. She even wanted to end her life but her friend stop her. 

Ellie felt sorry for the poor innocent child which was caught between her mother's scheme. Ellie thought that now that Kelly plan fell, she will either abandon Lucinda since she save no purpose or take out her frustration on it.

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