Chapter 3

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  Lucinda once asked her aunt about the life before the invasion and alliance. She was really curious. Was the Earthling life better then or now. Her aunt Ellie told it depend who you ask that question. "Let me tell you a story" aunt Ellie said.

  It all started with earth transmission which that got replied. Before invasion NASA and other EarthSpace organization sent a lot transmission out of this universe. They wanted to finding prove of other intelligent life forms out there. And in one of their transmission, they got their answer but it wasn't want the needed. It even brought visitors from space. Thank heaven they were friendly, aunt Ellie added.

Ever since the invasion earth were introduced to other planets with their life forms. Most of people from earth known as earthlings[human]. We, [humans] thought that we were alone in the universe and with no other intelligent life forms in the universe. But little did we know that they were always watching. Waiting for our race to mature but we got noise with the satellites and transmission. It's just Earth still young in terms of technology and life forms. Human Life forms on Earth were young and primitive.  Human life was short from 0-80 years. Human like to fight among them self, like little children and their toys and territory. Also, they were selfish, most of their advancement harm their home especially their environment, water, air and soil. They didn't care about the cost in technological advancement.

Earth is the one that paid the price. The environment degraded from the soil to the plants, air and water together with the Eco-system. Excessive cutting of trees for the housing and making industry caused the ozone layer to deplete. Furthermore; air pollution which was caused by excessive emission of carbon dioxide from cars, planes, industries, rockets launcher and lastly over population of people.

The Federation Alliance of Aurora (FAOA) could not bear watch how  earthlings [human]destroy their own beautiful home. It was a treasure. Also, they wanted that beautiful blue and green home. It was rare to find such a place. It had everything like oxygen, water and food. Also the food is as fresh as it get and it's not from cans ones in which federation is used to. That was like having heaven to them.

The Federation Alliance of Aurora (FAOA) came as friends, offering an alliance with earthlings. They wanted to share their technology and protect against other life forms that want to harm us in exchange of our resources. Association of Human Alliance  [AOHA], which is made of government leaders from different countries. They representative of earthlings. They agreed to the condition set by Federation Alliance of Aurora (FAOA). The terms looked good and reasonable on the surface. Little did they know that decision will come and hunt for the rest of their life.  Payment were made 4 times per year. Failure to deliver means breach of contract and Association of Human Alliance [AOHA] had to pay fee as penalty charges which slowly  cripple earth governments. 

Little by little Federation Alliance of Aurora (FAOA) cripple Earth economy by introducing plenty of their product in the market under friendly exchange of cultural. Earthlings become dependent to Federation Alliance of Aurora (FAOA) products. Most earthlings perceive product from other universes to be superior to earth. Like hospitals updated all their equipment. Which were very expensive but worthy. The public love them. Since, they save life. From there human earthling had positive outcome with them. They trust them.

The hospital uses those technology do not need a lot of doctors, they are self-operated. It lead to causing a lot of unemployment to skill labor. Most of operation like child birth and other which usually had less than 100% successfully. The machine guarantee 100% for both mother and children. This cause doctor's to stop honing their medical skill since it was in less demand.

Also bakeries and restaurants started using 3D printing instead of their usual natural skill as baking and chef preparing food. 3D products sale fast and there are pleasing to the eyes. Uses less time and standard quality of production.

 Furthermore, introduction of Virtual life game had young generation hooked like drugs. Instead of spending their time wise like developing themselves and in education or working for their future.  Most of the teenager spend their time in virtual life. The virtual machine can make them do and be anything they want. Teenage spend their time wastage instead of making their life for future generation.

By the time is earthlings[human] realize, 80% of earth where occupied by the aliens. They own major businesses all over different countries. They even introduce laws that  to suits their needs.  Furthermore, they even influence change in legal system like introducing of Coming of Age ceremony and ownership of properties. Ownership of properties was privilege save to locals [human] only. 

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