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This story contains strong language and violence. You have been warned.


(Rapunzel, 5 years old)

"Stop calling me your mommy." The woman snaps coldly.

"Buy why not mommy? The girls at school call their mommies mommy." The girl inquires innocently, tugging on her mother's sleeve.

The woman pulls away in disgust.

"Don't touch me!" She stared down at her daughter to whom she refused to be responsible for.

Rapunzel wasn't worried. In her eyes, her mommy still loved her.

"But mommy, I would never hurt you. I love you." She tried to reassure her mother, who was a ticking time bomb. A mother terrified of her own child.

The woman slapped her daughter across the face, quickly snapping her face to the side. For sure, it would leave a mark.

The harsh sound echoed in the run-down apartment room.

"Bitch! If it weren't for you, I would still be working my job. You ruined my body. You ruined my body!

"No one will ever love you. I hate you. I hope you die."

"You don't mean that mommy. I know you don't." She smiled.


"Why not mommy? Mommy I—"

"You're a psycho," her mother screeched.

She beat and slapped her daughter, the frail 5 year old.

She was left passed out on the floor when her mother was finished, left for anyone to find her.

After than night, the girl never saw her mother again.

"Don't worry mommy, I know you love me."

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