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Zel always fucking hated coming to clubs. There was just something about it that pissed her the hell off.

She never liked the idea of being in the same room with sluts, or the disgusting excuses of men wandering around her and invading her personal space.

Not that she hasn't invaded anyone's personal space before—except she preferred to do it with a gun.

Yet still, she growls to herself. She found herself in the very club she hated the most; La Rosa.

And God, how much she hated coming here...

And the very cause her displeasure, plops right down beside her at the bar she's left herself to grumble at.

"Rowan...you better have a goddamn good reason for calling me here of all fucking places." She hissed, slamming down an empty shot glass. Just having to sit at the bar alone was enough for her seek refuge in alcohol. Although she did hate the club scene, oh how she loved her alcohol. Especially after a good kill...

"I'm quite surprised that you actually showed. That desperate, are you?" The smirk he shot her was enough for her to want to shoot him between the eyes...but she needed a favor. Maybe after, she grinned, I can get rid of that annoying smirk and I won't ever have to see this bastard again.

"Thinking about killing me again, are we?" Her eyes snapped to his annoying blue ones.

"Where is it."

"Where is wh—"

"My gun." Lightning fast, she whips out her glock 26 she swiped from him, pressing it into his side.

"Not too fast princess...if you want it back, you'll have to join us, I'm afraid." The bastard had the audacity to lick the tip of her gun, which to her, was a spit in the face.

Her finger visibly twitches on the trigger, but she quietly thanks that she put it on safety beforehand. In case she got a little too...excited.

"Awe, that's cute. You can't go murdering me yet. It looks like it's time for us to go, so what do you say, deal on joining the team?" Rowan taunts the lioness.

"I'll think about it. I don't know why I came here, but I never plan on joining...I don't see what's in it for me." She caresses her 26, her second choice in weaponry.

Her favorite, was currently in the hands of one of Rowan's little shit heads. But she tried not to make it clear to him how important it really was to her.

After all...she could just steal it back. And save the questions for later.

But she really fucking wanted the gun back now.

Suddenly, she gets a text, and continuing to hold the gun up to Rowan's chest, she reads it.

[Luke Bryant. Up in VIP. ]

A picture was attached at the bottom of a scrawny man with face tattoos.

Zel smiles, finally someone I can empty my bullets into.

"Well, Rowan...I don't have time to kill you now, I have an assignment."

With that, she dips off into the crowd, searching until she finds Luke Bryant in a VIP booth with whores hanging off of him.


Oh, she couldn't wait to end him.

At the sound of a gunshot, the club the quickly, almost all at once, stirs up a panic.

One that wasn't her'.

Normally, she'd revel in the excitement of a kill.

Except this time, it was stolen.

Just in time, Zel looks up just as a black shadow blends into the darkness.


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