My Not So Broken Heart

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I'm not your priority.
I should have known.
I must accept.
I will never be.

You said I am.
You made me believe.
You have your excuses.
Your excuses that always dismiss me.

'Wait for me, I'll just do something.'
'I'm gonna charge my phone.'
'I'm cooking.'
'I'm conversing with someone.'

Can't you text or call while doing that?
Can't you text or call while charging?
Can't you text or call while cooking?
Can't you converse with me too like longer than an hour or two?

Always saying missing me,
And your action show otherwise.
If you miss me, call me.
If you miss me then do something.

Immature bitch,
I am, who needed your time and love.
But this immature loves you,
And still texting or calling you whatever I do, whatever the time is, willing to do anything because I love you and I miss you.

I'm sorry for doing so,
But I'm not sorry for being like this.
This way, I know I'm showing you my love.
Despite of this all, I will always love you.

Wait 'til I do something to learn how to dismiss you.
Wait 'til I fully charge my mind to ignore you.
Wait 'til I can cook my time not to concern.
Wait 'til I can converse with someone without minding that you're waiting for my reply.

When that time comes, I still wish to love you more than yesterday.
When that time comes, I still want you to be with me.
When that time comes, I know it won't come that time,
Because my love for you is greater than those lapses you have.

My not so broken heart still understand.
You still have your own life.
You can only gave me your spare time.
I still understand that you can't make me your world, because you have your own.

Those excuses of yours has a point.
You need to concentrate to what you do.
Texting or calling while charging may cause fire.
You're passionate about cooking.
It's not appropriate to text or call while having conversation with someone.

Those only my whims which is childish but still hurt my not so broken heart.
By saying those line you made me think that you don't want to talk to me.
I still know the truth that you love me.
I feel it, your showing it, and I love you, too.

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