chapter 1 the unexpected

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Christina's point of view

    When I wake up this morning, I get up from my bed, I took a shower fixed my hair into loose bun and then I put on my white t-shirt with a spiral design, violet shorts and my violet flip-flops.   

I run down stairs to have breakfast, when I was preparing my food I saw my mom standing right in front of me with a worried looked.

"I'm going to miss you" she said, while hugging me so tight.

 "Why? Is there something wrong?" I asked then, l let go of her hug.

"Um... it's only for the rest of your whole summer vacation" she said and can't look into my eyes straightly.

"Mom just tell me what's going on" I replied, confused.

"Okay, I know that this couldn't be easy for you, but what I'm going to say is you are going to spend your entire summer vacation with your cousin Sophia in L.A." she answered.

At what she had said to me, makes me think why she would do that, I mean she does know that Sophia and I are facing a really huge problem, really Sophia, my best friend that then one day she ruins my entire freshman year also, my reputation and became my best enemy.

"Mom, you know I can't do that!" I replied while staring at her with an anger face.

"Well, it wasn't my idea for you to spend your entire vacation with her" she said.

"So!  Then whose stupid idea was that!" I said, raising my voice.

 "It was your Aunt Sylvia's idea she thought that your friendship with Sofia will go back just like before" she said.

It's aunt Sylvia there's nothing more that I can do unless to say "Yes".

"Okay, I-I-I'll try, when will I'm going to leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at 10o'clock and your aunt will fetch you in the airport" she replied.

Then I just nodded my head, go back to my room text my friend Tricia about what's going on while, packing up my stuffs.

 (Conversation between Christina and Tricia)

Christina: Do you want to help me pack up my stuffs?

Tricia: Why, where are you going? What's going on?

Christina: My Aunt Sylvia wanted me to spend my entire summer vacation in L.A. with Sophia.

Tricia: What?! Does your Aunt know about what's with you and Sofia?

Christina: Yes! She does know and she thinks that if Sophia and I hang out together our friendship will go back the old way.

Tricia: And you agreed with it.

Christina: That's why I'm packing up my stuffs, isn't obvious.

Tricia: Um...Do you still need some help?

Christina: I don't think so, because I'm already finish packing.

At that moment someone just knock on my door.

Christina: Tricia I need to go, someone's knocking at my door.

Tricia: Okay, I also need to eat lunch see you tomorrow bye.

Christina: Wait! are you coming with me at the airport? (No more response)

When I open the door I saw my mom holding a gift with my lunch.

"To whom is that gift?" I asked

"Oh! This is especially for you" she answered while handing me the gift and the food.

"But why, it isn't my birth day today?" I asked while, accepting the gift and the food.

"Nothing I just wanted to give you a gift" she said.

"Wait, don't open it yet, just when you arrived at the airport" she added.

"Okay" I said.

Then she left, I ate my lunch and find a dress that I will wear tomorrow, finally I  had find a dress for me to wear tomorrow it's so perfect and I didn't notice that I fell asleep.

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