chapter 3

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Sakura sat in the living room like space in the hideout healing Deidara after his failed mission of obtaining a tailed beast while Tobi teased him. "Shut up you idiot! It was your fault this happen!" Sakura sighed as Deidara continued to yell at Tobi who seemed to ignoring him. She had only been with the Akatsuki for a little over a month now and she didn't spend much time with her new teammates, only really seeing them when they needed to be healed. They all did their own thing though they worked together to achieve their own goals which made Sakura think; what was her goal? She use to think her goal was to become stronger, become a great medical nin while waiting for Sasuke to return but she could no longer follow the path and shook her at the meir thought of the cold Uchiha. Sakura could honestly say she didn't feel the same for him but it still stunk when she thought of him. Her mind wondered on what her new goal was until Itachi walking in the room catch her eye. He was kind to her despite being distant, he hadn't spent any time with her since bringing her to the hideout. He always seemed off wondering somewhere. "Itachi..." she voiced accidently making him look in her direction. "What is it?" She blushed and jumped slightly when she heard his voice not expecting him to respond. "Oh nothing... sorry..." she claimed in an embarrassed tone. Itachi seemed to pause in the room for a moment longer then left silently making Sakura hit her forehead, "what is wrong with me?!" "Itachi looks like Sasuke right? Both scary... that's why you act like a dumb dumb round him right? You like him." Tobi said with his head leaning to the side but before Sakura could speak Deidara threw a pillow at him. "Shut up with that crap and go away before I kill you!" Tobi over dramatically left with fake tears as he yelled. "Senpai doesn't love meeee!" Deidara huffed once he was gone and stood from his sitting position with a stretch then glanced at the pink haired woman who sat on the lumpy couch. "Look... I know we don't know each other and to be honest I don't care to but I'm going to tell you right now if you want something... go for it don't just wait around like a loser." He stated bluntly then swiftly turned before she could reply. "We all have our place here, we all have goals. You need to figure out why you are here and what you are going to do. Life is meaningless without purpose like an artist without inspiration..." Sakura watched as the blonde walked away, she had heard him go on about his random art related topics before. It was hard not to with how loud he got but this time his words stuck with her.

Sakura stood to her feet and gripped her fist in determination before walking out of the room, Itachi was walking to his room when she found him. "Itachi... I... I wanna move on with my life. I want to make new goals." She didn't know why she felt the need to tell him, it wasn't as if he would care but he surprise her by turning to face her. "Good." She blushed at his words and glanced away. "Yes... I... I... I'm an idiot... standing here like this announcing this to you. I don't even know what I'm going to do... I feel like I lost my meaning and I'm running in circles trying to find a new meaning." He touched her shoulders lightly. "You have a meaning. A medical nin always has purpose. You are useful due to your skill that is why I offered you to come here... you will find your path, you are young. It is okay that you do not know you're way yet, you will find a new way, a new dream. That is what makes dreams so amaz- she cut him off by pressing a rough kiss to his lips, her hands  gripped into his cloak as he stiffly stood in front of her.

Sakura pulled away with pink cheeks that matched her hair she avoided eye contact for a moment unsure what made her decide to make such a daring move. She stepped back and bowed her head. "Sorry... That was out of line..." Itachi touched his lips lightly as he stared at the blushing girl in front of him. "Did you mean it?" He asked making her look dumbfounded at him. "I... I know you only think I'm attracted to you because you look like him but it's not... I mean you two have similar features but your eyes are different, they are kinder everything about you seems more kinder and I like that so maybe... I could move on from him and find someone better some like you while I find my knew path." Sakura blurted out then bit her lip wondering if the none sense that came out of her mouth made any sense to him or if he thought she was insane. Itachi studied her for a moment then turned, "walk with me... Would you?" She perked up at his words and agreed with a smile.

They walk in silence but Sakura noted his breathing and how he hid his cough and in that moment as a medical nin she realized he was sick, she stuided him for a moment noted how well he hide it. Sakura wondered if she should question him on it, for all she knew he was getting medical treatment when he disappeared. "How long?" She finally questioned boldly making him glance at her. "For some time now..." She narrowed her eyes at his answer and silence returned once more as they continued their walk. She looked up at the sky and inhale the fresh air. "Are you getting treatmeant?" When he didn't reply she got the answer she didn't want. "Itachi..." "You are one of the best in Konoha if you want to try go ahead." Sakura was a little surprised by his reply but gave a nod.

She ran test on his blood to figure out what disease he had then began a journey of finding a way of curing it. She spent a lot of him with him during this time despite him never giving her a confession something in her heart told her he wanted her, he needed her, that he... Itachi Uchiha was falling for her. She felt the same being more obvious then he at times blushing and smiling at him but Sakura couldn't help it. After searching for the proper mixture of medicine to cure his illness, she had found it and of course told him immediately. She wanted to celebrate but knew it would have to wait.

Sakura picked up the medications at the nearest hospital dressing as a healer from that village and walked out with them as if it was nothing. She mixed the medicine and Itachi took it with no protest before he grabbed her hand lightly making her blush. "Thank you..." she smiled sweetly at him, "you are welcome. It was nothing really." "It took months for you to do all this, you deserve a break. Allow me to take you out." Her blush increased at his words but the inner Sakura was doing a victory dance. "Okay..." she gave a nod and they left the hide out for a small tea shop. It was their first date followed by a few more, Itachi would often walk her to her room for the night and kiss her forehead goodnight but Sakura had other plans after two months of dating. He kissed her forehead as always but she grabbed his hand before he could leave. "Stay... stay with me tonight." He looked at her for a moment wondering if she was ready but seeing the serious look in her eye he didn't question her and followed her into her room.

The next day Sakura woke to Tobi and Deidara arguing making her mutter curse words as she snuggled into Itachi. He glanced down at the messy pink haired girl they laid next to him and stayed in bed with her a little longer before getting up to deal with his annyoing teammates. Sakura got up shortly after and was greeted by Tobi after breakfast who seemed to wear a creepy smile despite a mask covering his face. "Ohhh somebody got laid last night!" She blushed at his word but before she could punch him Deidara did. "Shut up! don't be so damn loud about it! She was loud enough last night you don't have to announce it!" Her blushed increased with embarrassment before swiftly walking back to her room and stayed their until Itachi came knocking on her door.

She let him in happily and he sat on her bed. The room was almost  in an awkward silence for a moment before Sakura finally spoke. "Itachi..." "I haven't felt this good in years, it is all thanks to you." He heart melted at his words and the embarrassed flustered feeling went away before she met his lips for a brief kiss "I lov- "they are going to do it again sensei put your ear plugs in!" Tobi shouted making Sakura blush and Itachi sigh. "Ignore them..."

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