chapter 4

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Sakura woke in bed next to her lover and snuggled closer to him. It was quiet for a change and she was going to enjoy it until she felt Itachi get up, she gave a huff of disappointment before she as well sat up. "I have something to do." He dressed and left the room without another word leaving Sakura to shower alone. Something seemed off about that morning her mind felt foggy and her body felt tried. Most of the Akatsuki members were out on with only Konan in the building. Sakura noticed her and smiled at her. She hadn't got to know Konan she was rarely ever at the hide out. Konan glanced at her first then made full eye contact. "How long?" "Excuse me?" Sakura questioned with a clueless expression. "How fair along are you?" The bluenette asked nonchalantly while pink haired medical nin looked dumbfounded. "You are with child." Konan commented bringing her back to reality. "No don't be rediculous..." Sakura replied feeling slightly insulted she thought she was, wondering if Konan thought she was fat. "Uchiha do not use protection therefore you did yes?" Sakura's face turned more pink then her hair "uhh... no... I guess I didn't think about it... we haven't done it alot or anything..." Konan had no reply and walked away leaving the pink haired medical nin in slight panic, being a medical nin she should know but perhaps it was too early? Sakura rubbed her face in a stressful manner, nothing wrong with simply making sure.

She left the hide out to go to the nearest clinic but ran into Tobi. "Ohhh you look glowing..." he touched either side of his face and swayed slightly making the pink haired medical blushed lightly at hos words but she wasnt sure why. It wasnt if Tobi was flirting with her or even complementing her. "Bye bye!" He gave his normal friendly wave before dashing off. She shook her head knowing it was best not to think to much on what Tobi said. She went to the closest clinic and after a short wait she was seen. She waited for the results in a small cold room, the nurse returned with a smile. "You are alittle over two weeks congrats." Sakura was stunned at first then worry began to run through he head. "Miss?" The nurse called with concern at the look on her face. "Im fine thank you..." she left slowly as she thought. Pregnant? Having a baby? It was the last thing she needed at the moment. She didnt need another person to worry about at the moment especially a tiny one. She gave a sigh as she thought of her options. When she returned her eyes met with Itachi's and her stomach dropped. She hadnt even thought of how to tell or if she should. He touched her face lightly, knowing she was troubled. "Sakura..." "Itachi... we need to talk." He gave a nod and followed her to his room, Itachi watched her for a moment studying her body language. "I went to see a doctor today..." she trailed off and looked at him with bright green eyes that looked watery. He sat down next to her but said nothing. "I'm two and a half weeks along basically... Its still early so I still have a choice." Itachi wore a blank face making her worry even more. "Itachi..." "do you not want it?" He asked making her touch her stomach. "I dont know..." "it is up to you. You are the one that has to carry and give birth. You are also the one who will have to get rid of it. I am indifferent at this point, either choice you make it will change your fate forever but I will still be by your side regardless." Itachi claimed making her look down. "I know I'm young... I'm not in a good place in my life to bring a kid into the world, it would be stupid but... I still feel like if I don't it'd be a big mistake... I think I want to keep it... its only fair but you should have a say too... I mean the baby will be part you too... what do you think?" "I think we will need to make plans to leave this place. This is no place for a child." Her body felt warm when he spoke and she smiled. "You mean it." Itachi gave a nod before he stood. "Of course. We will need a proper place if we wish to be a proper family. I knew I would evenually leave the Akatsuki so why not now? We will need to be settled before the child comes." Her eyes began to water and she hugged him.

Sakura didn't know what to say but she felt they were making the right choice even if it seemed stupid. He returned the embrace before pulling away to look at her, he glanced over her making her blush. "What is it?" "Nothing... I am picturing you in white that is all." Her blushed increased at the thought. "Itac- "Damnit Tobi!! What did I tell you about using my fucken tooth brush?!" Itachi gave a sigh before turning away to deal with his soon to be ex team mates while Sakura smiled and sat back on the bed. She touched her still flat stomach, "I can't wait to see you..." she couldn't really wrap her head around it. She somewhat dreamed of being a wife and mother but she figured it would be during a much later in life but she supposed it didn't matter now.

Itachi returned to the room and took off his clock revealing his simple clothing Sakura watched him shamelessly but blushed when he looked at her. "I am not surprised you are with my child. It isn't as if I tried to avoid it." He sat next to her and gave a kiss to the side of her red face. "I do not believe we will be bothered again until tomorrow. I will break the news then." "Oh..." is all she said before his lips met hers before a sweet kiss, Sakura laid down thinking he would making love to her but instead he simply laid his head on her stomach gently. She smiled at him and played with his hair. The two stayed in that position for most of the day before he left her again to get Dango for them to share.

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