{Chapter 15}

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                                           Month 8

Me and Laf were hangout for a while. Thomas got out the hospital so I help my brother take care of him. My dear hasn't been sleeping well. I feel bad for him.

He cuddled up with me, and honestly it was so cute.

I mean, Laf has been freaking out when he found out about having twins. I told him it be fine. I think he's worried about it being the 8th month.

I mean I'm scared too. It's just so real! We're gonna to be parents soon!

I smiled and played with his hair.

He rolled over a bit laying on his back, honestly he's the most cutest person to ever exist. I'm wasn't gonna wake him. He needs his sleep.

I laid on my side and put my hand on his stomach. Again trying to not wake him.

I teared up just thinking about things. "I can't wait to see you both." I whispered. I looked up and saw Laf smirking. "Oh, did I wake you up?"

"Non." He said yawning. "Ya sure?"

He nodded his head. "Honey, go back to sleep." I said.

"Non, I'm already awake, my love."

"How ya feelin' then?" He signed. "I could be better." I gave a sad smile.

A few minutes went by and I heard Laf start singing. I don't know what it was but it was a beautiful song.

    Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour
I am forever yours

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
You're always in my prayer

Softly, sweetly
Wrapped up in heaven's arms
Sailing, soaring over the moon
Gathering star dust

Be still, be safe, be sure
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour

Wishing, praying
All of your dreams come true
Please remember
Where'er you are my heart is with you

Sweet dreams, sweet dreams mon cher
Always in my prayer

I am forever yours
Je t'aime, je t'aime toujour....

Wow....he can sing so well! "Darling that was so beautiful." I told him. He blushed, "Thank you. It's something my mom sung to me."

It was sweet to hear it.

It was pretty late so I went to bed. Laf did as well not long after me. "Night baby~." I said kissing him. "Night Hercy."

And hour went by and I woke up. Laf was awake and probably was when I fell asleep. "What's wrong Lafayette?" He looked mad from what I could tell and see. I mean it's dark so...

"Nothing!" He said obviously lying. "Gilbert." I said sternly, "o-oui mon a-amour?" When I call him that he gets kinda scared cause he knows I'm not joking or something like that.

"Why are you mad?" I asked him.

"The same thing as last time!" He said, "What...them kicking or...?"

"omg...Yes dumbass! What else?!"

"Okay damn chill! Do you need or want anything?"

"Non!" Lying again, "Laf."

"What?!" He yelled. "I'm going downstairs do you want anything?"


"Okay thank you for answering that. Now what would like me to bring?" I said getting out of bed and heading to the door. "Um....ice cream...please..."

"M'kay. Be right back my love."

I went downstairs got what he wanted and what I wanted and went back upstairs.

"Here." I said handing him a spoon and a bowl of ice cream. "Merci~."

"No problem." I said smiling at him.

We got done doing somethings and went back to sleep. Laf was awake I could tell. I swear he needs to sleep!

"Laf go to bed." I whispered. He groaned quietly. "What's wrong now baby?" I said turning around still laying down. "Same thing as last time dear." I sighed, "Well, I'm sorry~."



He teared up, "I'm scared...I mean, I don't know if I'm ready! I-I don't....this is just all to re- owww...."

He whined in pain, "What's wrong?!" I said sitting up, "They kicked me pretty hard...heh..." I kissed Laf, "I'm sorry my dear." I held his hands and smiled.

I put my hand on his stomach as he smiled. "Herc." He giggled. "What?" I smirked. "You know I don't like that."

"I know~." He put his hand on my mine and teared up more. "I can't believe this." Laf looked at me confused. "I can't believe we're gonna have two little babies, Laf. I honestly can't wait to see them."

"Well I sure can wait." Laf smiled.

I felt two kicks this time around, "owww...." Laf cried.

"I know it hurts baby... but we only have one more month!" I didn't want to see my love in pain so I tried my best to keep him happy. We both ended up falling asleep cuddling. I love him so much.

                                          {💖  &  💙}

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