{Chapter 16} (edited 10/20/18)

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                              Wednesday 18, 2019 8:03 pm

I had been trying to keep Laf calm for a while now. He had been freaking out over things so I told him to just go lay down and sleep and to call me if he wants or needs anything.

I heard my phone vibrate and so I checked it seeing it was Laffy who texted me.

My dearest❤: Hey Hercy. Can you do something for me please?

Me: uhh...yeah I can! What do need, my beautiful flower?

My dearest❤: Can you please get me some water please??

Me: hell ya I can!

My dearest❤: thank you so much! I love you.

Me: I love you too~

I got what he wanted went upstairs to our room and quietly open the door. "Hey Laffy Taffy." I whispered.

"Hey..." He said weakly. I walked in gave the glass to him. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it!" I said smiling. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"Oui..." He said taking a sip of water then putting on the nightstand next to the bed. I got in bed with him and snuggled with him. An hour went by and I heard a glass breaking. I shot up and looked around. I figured Laf broke something so I ran downstairs seeing if he need my help with something.

"Laffy?" I said. Laf was on the floor crying. "Laf!" I crouched down. "What wrong?!" I was freaking out at this point. He clenched his stomach and cried harder. "Lafayette!"

"H-Hercules!" He yelled, "yes?!"

"My f-fucking wa-water broke!" He said looking up at me. "Shit!" I said picking him up. "AAH!" He screamed as I held him running to the car.

He screamed loud as we got there. "H-Hercules it hurts!" I put my hand that wasn't on the steering wheel, on his lap. "I know, I know. We're almost there, I promise."

My mind ran wild with fear.

When we got there is teared up slightly. I got out and helped Laf.

1...hour went by... and I'm freaking out again.

2...I want to know if my love is okay.




6.. "Mr. Mulligan?" I heard a nurse say. "Um yes?"

She smiled, "you can go see him now."

"Thanks Liza."

Oh yeah Eliza works here as a nurse so... I ran to his room. When I got there is broke in tears. "Ssh." Laf smiled. I walked in shutting the door. "Hey." I whispered.

"Hey." He replied. "Meet Nancy and William."

I got a chair and sat by the bed. "Can I hold Nancy?"

"Of course." He gently gave her to me. She....she looks like me... Nancy opened her eyes. Yup she has my eyes.

"Hi Nancy~" I said to her. She's so beautiful. Both our kids are!! "I'm Papa." She slightly smiled. I gently booped her nose because I found it cute. "Boop." I said doing it again.

Laf was smiling and singing softly to Will. It was the same song. But sung more beautiful than last time.

Peggy and John showed up. Peggy was fangirling over the twins. "They're so cute."

"Yeah..." John said smiling.

"Can I hold one of them please?" Peggy asked smiling even more.

"Yeah." Laf said, "be gentle."

"I will."

Peggy was holding William. "What's their name?"

"William..." I said.

"Aww." Peggy said. "Hi Will. I'm aunt Peggy."

"Will looks just like you Laffy." John remarked standing behind Peggy. "Yeah...but Nancy looks like her Papa."

"Wait if you both are dad's then what are they calling you Laf if Herc's 'papa'??" Peggy asked.

"Daddy. That or dad.. same thing heh."

A few hours went by. Peggs and John left so it's just me and Laffy. I got to hold William and he really does look like Laffy.

Weeks went by and night were rough but we got threw them.

I heard something about my brother talk about how Laf's father was dead or something. James was freaking out cause he's the one who killed him.

But no charges cause it was in defense so..

As years went by I feel like me and Laf's relationship grew stronger.

Now they're in kindergarten and Laf's crying over it. It's cute. "Bye Papa! Bye daddy!" The two said.

"Bye Will... bye Nancy." I said while Laf cried. "Laf's they're just going to school damn."

"I know but...."

"Come on. We have things to do."

Life has honestly been great.

"Okay I think that's it." I said closing my book. "All I can remember kinda." I told my kids. Who are now 13. Times flys...

"Awesome story pops." Will said smiling.

"Yeah!" Nancy said hugging her brother and messing with his hair.

Bonus because I can do what I want!

Me and Laf were at home and I saw 16 year old Nancy run downstairs crying. "Nancy what's wrong?" Laf asking as Nancy fell to the ground.

"Please don't be mad! But...I'm pregnant."

Me and Laf looked at each other. I know she was dating this guy but wow.... I mean her boyfriend is like who I can be so... "Does Matthew know?" Laf asked.


"What'd he say?"

"He said that's he's so happy and started crying."

Like I said I like her boyfriend. He's a nice guy!

"Well....we can get threw this....We promise!" I said. She hugged us and went to her room. Well I think I can end it here.

                   ❤{I'm so happy I ever met Laffy...}❤

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