As Long As You Love Me (WWE CM Punk Love Story)

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(Jaylin's And Punk's Bio)

Jaylin's Bio

Im Jaylin. I have dark brown hair and my hair is also short. Im not tall and Im not so short. Im not the type of girl who loves attention but I seem to get it anyways. My best friends are Phil and Denver. We live in Chicago. I have a younger sister named Jade. I also live with Denver. I dont party a lot but I love to explore things. Phil and Denver knows everything about me. Well not Phil.... Eventhough we are best friends Im in love with him but only Denver knows that. Phil is coming home so Im pretty happy right now.

Punk's Bio

Im Phil Brooks better known as CM Punk a WWE Superstar and champion. I have dark hair and tattoos. Yeah Im tall and I live in Chicago. I love to drop pipebombs. I am a loveable jerk often confused with Batman. I have lots of friends but my best friends are Jaylin, John, and Denver. I tell them everything that happens in my life. John knows something that Denver nor Jalen knows and its the fact that I love Jaylin. I have two sisters that I love to death Selene and Shaleigh. Im coming home soon and I get to see everyone which is great.

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