Chapter 8: Two Is The Number

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Jaylin's POV

Wake up you freaking troll, Denver yelled. Ehh noooo, I replied. Look its important, she replied. Erm okay, I said as I sat up.

I saw her sitting on the edge of my bed with her clothes. She looked as she didn't want to really tell me something. So I sat up quietly and looked at her.

Okay your looking as if something is wrong so lay it on me, I said. Okay but I dont know how your gonna respond but I'm going to London with Tom, Denver said as she looked down. Oh my god if thats what you wanna do then do it I cant stop you so go, I said. Oh my really, she said as she hugged me. Yeah I said and you should also know that Im engaged and I might be pregnant, I said. Oh my gosh congrats, she squealed. Thanks now get out, I said. Okay bye, she said as she closed the door.

I fell back to sleep and got up about 12 am. Wow I just slept the whole day. Well I'll just call Phil.

Hey babe can come over, I asked. Yeah sure, he replied. And bring some clothes, I said. Okay why, he asked. Denver's gone, I said. Oh yeah she told me, he said. What she told you, I said. Yeah be right over, he said as he hung up.

I waited around for 10 minutes. I heard Phil knocking on the door. I ran to open the door and let him in.

Okay couch now, Phil said. Okay, I said as we both sat down on the couch. Bay I know you hate being alone how about you come and travel with me, he said. Hmm yeah I should go but when are we leaving I know soon and I gotta get my papers and things renewed, I replied. Yes and we will do that in the morning, Punk said. Also if I am pregnant how will we juggle me going to the doctor, I asked. We will both come home at that time to check in, he replied. Okay babes, I said

Punk's POV      

Im sitting on the couch talking to the woman I love. I can't believe she wants to come on tour with me and we also have a wedding to plan.

How do we plan to get married, I asked. I have no idea, she said as she laid her head on me. Soooo since we are going to the doctor tomorrow lets take our asses to bed, I said. Okay, she said as she ran to the room.

We climbed in bed and I laid beside her as I watched her fall asleep. It was pretty cold in the room but Jaylin was so hot and jumping in her sleep. So I touched her.

Hey you okay, I asked. Yeah now I am, she said as she jumped up. You know you were jumping in your sleep, I said. Just a bad dream I guess, she responded. Okay If you say but goodnight babe, I said as I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

We both fell asleep and woke up around seven. We got dressed and went to the doctor. We waited in the waiting room for like forever. I stayed back and watch the doctors work on Jaylin. I didnt really say much.

Well how many test and things are they going to give me, she asked. About five million, I said. Agh please dont say that, she replied. Well Jaylin your sugar and blood pressure is high and I want you to sit in this chair, the doctor said. Okay will do, she responded as she sat in it. He put some kinda of gel on her stomach. Ooohhh thats cold and whats your name, she said. Well Jaylin I am actually the doctor who was there when you were born and my name is Dr. Adams, he replied. Phil, I love you, she said as she held my hand. I love you to bay, I responded. Well would you look at that hmm congrats your having a baby, Dr. Adams said.

I sat shocked because I actually looking at my baby on the screen. I looked at Jay and she was crying of happiness. I was really happy its a feeling that I cant describe.

Phil we're having a baby, Jaylin said. Get ready for the 40 weeks and then I hold my baby afterwards, I said. Oh no its not a baby its babies, the doctor said. Babies, Jaylin exclaimed. Yes two of them, he said. Wow I'm amazed, I said. Also could I travel with Phil during my pregancy, she asked. Uhh yes but you also need to be careful, he said. Alright, she replied.

We left out of the room and signed so many papers. I really didnt care about the papers because I get to see my children grow. Ha children.

Double in everything, Jay said. Yes I wonder what they are, I said. I know I know they are gonna be beautiful, she says. Im so in love right now, I respond. I think we all are especally when I have these guys, she replied as she rubbed her stomach.

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