Chapter 13: Is There Anything You Need To Tell Me?

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(Starting Off Punk's POV and Im adding John's in for this chapter too)

Punk's POV

Last night was great even though something happened but I still enjoyed it. Jaylin made me listen to Viva La Vida over and over last night but it was still adorable seeing her acting as if she was in the band singing it. We had our first Baby Moon it was pretty funny seeing her facial expressions.

So I got up out of bed around 4 in the morning because we still had to go to GMA for that little interview on there just got word that John will also be joining us. I looked over to see Jaylin still sleeping for last night and she look so peaceful too bad I had to wake her up.

Jaylin, I said softly as I shook her. Erm what, she responded. Get up we have to go, I said. Ehhh I dont wanna get up I wanna sleep baby, she replied. Nope Im not leaving til you get up, I said delightfully as I tickled her nose. Hmm okay pick me up and carry me to the bathroom, she said as she sat up and raised up her arms. Come on you babies, I said because I was actually carrying three people in total.

We both got dressed and left out to go to the set. We met up with John. He looked tired. When does an John Cena looks tired though? We all walked in with our little smiles on our faces and went to sit down. Finally the called us to go on stage. We were all greeted by Lara Spencer.

Well hello and welcome WWE Superstar John Cena and newlyweds WWE Champion CM Punk aka Phil Brooks and his new wife and best friend Jaylin Brooks, Lara said. Well hi Lara that's an long title isnt it, I said. She laughed. Well it is but I'll just go with it, she responded. So John and Punk whats work looking like right now, she asked. Well personally for me its going great, I said as I looked at John.

Well as for me its good but we all have wants right and its to have that gold on Punk's shoulders, John responded. I laughed. Hold on guys keep it for the ring, Lara interrupted. Thank you, Jaylin said. Now to the newlyweds how was the wedding and the reception and here's some of the pictures now, Lara asked.

I turned to Jaylin and she had this huge smile on her face seeing the pictures for the first time.

Well Lara it was a surprise because I didnt even know I was getting married until our family surprised me with it but It was so beautiful, she responded. Wow that's pretty amazing well Punk how did you pull that off, she asked. Everyone got in on this one we all planned it when I was on the road so she didnt have a clue what was going on and then they surprised her and took her to the Lovely Bride and got Randy from the TLC show I really dont know how the girls pulled that off but they pulled that off and brought her back to the Plaza and told her put her gown on and that she was getting married, I responded. It was a beautiful ceremony, she said. Thank you, we both replied. And your children how far along are you, she asked. Well I am currently 2 months almost 3 making next week on the 1st, Jaylin announced.When are they do, she asked. Around New Years so they are going to be little winter babies, I said proudly. I bet you cant wait to be called dad, she said. Yes I can wait because baby years fly by, I responded.

We talked in our interview for awhile then I was finally time to go. I was pretty happy to leave out because I could go get a nap. So we went back to our hotel and John came in for a while it look like he had to tell us something or maybe Jaylin because he couldn't didn't say anything to her like he usually does.

John's POV

I had fun with Punk and Jay at the interview. I just couldn't talk to Jaylin about what I had to tell her because I really dont know how would she fell about what I had to tell her. So I'm in their room so I might as well tell her.

Jay, I said worriedly. Yeah youve been I tad bit quiet today whats wrong, she asked. Um nothing, I said even though I knew I was lying. John seriously is there anything you need to tell me, she replied as she sat beside me. Or us, Punk added in. Phil stop adding in your two cents right now, Jaylin said as she turned to him. Okay honey, he replied. Ehh ummm, I stalled. Damn it John what is it, she yelled. Okay jeez Im dating Jade, I stated. The fuck, she said as she got up.

Oh shit she's about to kill me. Maybe I should have waited til Jade came or something.

What the fuck John and when were you going to tell me this and then you just got your damn divorce finalize not to damn long ago bro what kind of game do you think this is you asshole, Jaylin said as she pointed at me. I know I know would you listen to me for a second, I stated. No John no I wont neither will I listen to you neither will I listen to Jade if she comes near me, she said as she ran out of the room.

I sat my hands on my head because I really didnt know how to apologize or even say anything to Jay she probably hates me for even talking to her sister. I looked up at Phil and he just stared at me for a moment.

Man you fucked up big time with my wife bro, he said as he shook his head and ran after her.

I got up and went to Jade's room. She was sitting on her bed and looking outside of the window.

I know you told her John, she said with an blank expression. How did you know, I replied. Phil text me and she's pretty pissed off at us, she responded. Oh, I said. Oh what the hell is a o when my sister/your best friend is pissed at us, she yelled. Okay I really dont know what to do or what to think of right now, I stated firmly. John I think we're done her because Im not losing my sister over you we can be friends but nothing else, she said. I surely dont want to lose my best friend so I guess you can put it like that, I said. I guess no it is like that, she said. Okay I can agree on that, I said as I walked out of her room.

Jaylin's POV

What the fuck, I yelled as I ran slowly to the roof since I am pregnant. Im pretty tired though so I just sat down and looked at the view. My phone vibrated.

From John:

Sorry me and Jade are done sorry Jay!

I looked at the message and closed it out because I was so pissed at those two.

Ahh there you are, I heard Phil voice from behind me. Yeah here I am, I responded. How could she even do that and how could he even do that, I said. It will be fine Jaybear everyone makes mistakes or have flings Jay dont worry about that, Phil said said as he held me. I wont but John just text me saying they are done but now that I do think about this its not the first time this has happened with Jade, I stated. What do you mean, Phil asked. This happened with Jake because you know we've had our little romantic past and she did the same knowing I dated him and we had just broke up she seduced him for some reason some idiot taped it jackasses but still he was a close friend and still Im close with Jake blah, I said. I didnt know that but come on its dangerous up here I couldn't afford to lose my wife up here, Phil said. Okay, I responded as we left off of the roof.

From: My Other Half (Jadeboo)

I broke up with John sorry this happened again really am Jay!!

I felt sick to my stomach when I looked at that message. Phil took my phone and slipped it in his pocket.

No more drama Miss I dont want you or my children feeling stressed, Phil said. Ehh okay lets go catch a damn nap my freaking head hurts, I said. Okay will do because Im feeling sleepy myself, he responded.

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