A Decision's Dilemma

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Tia couldn't stop thinking of the news Ms. Pace brought to her sealed in that envelope last night.

Not while barely eating breakfast, not while getting dressed or pressing her hair to put in a low bun.

Not even now hours later as she carefully stacked the cups of lemonade on the wooden tray.

Rosewood High. Lord knows she wanted to go.

Anyone with a brain knew that white schools were strategically better educated, and going to one would make her chances of going to a good college greater.

It was a sad but honest truth.

Carefully, Tia walked out of the Bianchi's glass slide-doors where the party guest remained outside in the large back yard– enjoying the food, playing golf, tanning, or in the coolness of the pool.

White people and their privilege. She thought.

Tia was nearing the long table where all the party guests would be seated to eat.

Only a few steps away when two little boys ran by her during their game of tag, causing her to fall forward and spill the drinks all over the girl seated at the edge of the table.

A loud outburst erupted from the girl, as she turned towards Tia." My dress, my hair! You witless fool, have you people got no brain? Look at me! "

Tia bowed her head like her mother taught her to." I'm sorry."

" Can you not hear? I said look at me." the girl seethed.

Tia observed the curly-haired brunette.

She couldn't tell if her face was red with anger or the blush she had packed on her cheeks.

Tia opened her mouth to apologize again until another butted in as he was walking near.

While Tia looked at them she could tell who they were now as she thought of the family pictures all around the house, they were the Bianchi twins.

" Awe Hannah stop being a brat, it's not like it's gonna stain or anything."

" Stay out of this." she snapped before pointing towards Tia who tried her best not to show amusement." Go fetch me some napkins and us some more lemonade...now."

A little way across the pool where the tanning beds were Mrs. Bianchi and her two friends remained basking in the sun and shaking their heads at the small incident.

" Hmm, you know I read in that new book that they simply can't help it. Coloreds, it's in their nature to do thoughtless things. That's why we're separated from them or it would be total chaos like this all the time." the lady Hilly fanned herself just like the other lady Allison did.

" Yes and speaking of separation, I couldn't help but notice your choice of location for your colored restroom..."

Mrs. Bianchi sighed and spoke in an uninterested tone. Allison was always one to pick at every little thing." Oh, whatever do you mean Alli?"

" It's not safe to have that... that negro room inside your home-it's plagued with all the diseases they carry. I know you don't want that for your family," Allison said matter of factly.

Ms. Davis heard the entire thing as she continued to set up the dessert table nearby.

Unsafe, plagued with diseases... the logic was completely witless.

They'd allow a black woman to clean their homes, make their food, and raise their children but they aren't allowed to have direct contact with the boss or use their bathroom.

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