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Hi I'm Corey Hurst.

I didn't have a father until the age of 7. My mother and him remarried and we all moved into a cute house. At the time my best friend's name was Kellin. When I was 13 my father was diagnosed with cancer. The following year he collapsed at my birthday party. The doctor said he wouldn't last two weeks. But he died May 11th, 6 months before i turned 16. After he died I fell into deep depression. My grades dropped, I hardly ate, and I cut. About a week ago I had to leave my best friend, Kellin. He helped me through my depression.

I love art, music, and cartoons. My room is covered in posters. You can barely see my red walls. I have a huge window behind my couch in my room, and a bathroom. I have a decent sized closet filled with band t-shirts and jeans. I'm not one for being girly. So my make up is just eyeliner. I own two mini skirts and a black dress. And I only wear Converse and boots.

"Corey!" My mother yelled from downstairs. I finished my outfit. A Motley Crüe shirt, black shinny jeans, black Converse, and a studded bracelet. I ran down stairs and grabbed my leather jacket. "The Neighbors invited us to dinner. At there place." She said. "I thought we were going out." I whispered as she knocked on the door. "Hi, you must be Corey! I'm Amy and this is Chris." Amy said in my direction. I smiled and shook her hand. "Hey." A deep voice greeted me. "I'm Andy." I smiled at him. "Well, Come in." Chris said. My mother and I stepped into there house.

I was sitting silently on the couch. My mother was helping Amy and Chris with dinner. I hummed to myself. "Hey, Do you want to come up to my room?" Andy asked. I smiled and took off my jacket. He grinned at my shirt. "Nice." He said leading me to his room.

I don't talk much. I just listen. Andy went on about music. It was cool. We have pretty much the same taste. "Corey! Andy!" Our mothers called. Andy ran downstairs while I just walked.

"Corey, Are you excited to start school?" Amy asked. I nodded. "She's not one for talking." My mother said. I looked down at my food. I still don't eat much. "Corey could give Andy a ride. I just got her a car." My mother suggested. "I don't know how Scout would feel about that." Andy said. "Nonsense. That would be wonderful." Chris said. My phone started ringing. "Excuse me." I whispered.

"Hey. I miss you." I whispered. "I miss you too." Kellin said. I smiled. "My mom said I can come visit you soon." I smiled. "I can't wait. But I'm having dinner. Bye. Love you." I whispered into the phone. "Love you too." Kellin kissed me on the last day I was with him. It was my first kiss. I smiled and put away my phone.

"Was that Kellin?" My mom asked. I nodded and sat down. Dinner continued for a while. I never spoke. I barely ate. I just listened and picked at my food. "Well thank you for dinner." My mother said. "No problem." Amy and Chris smiled. Andy stood close to the happy looking couple. I nodded and smiled at them. They seemed really nice. "Thank you Mr and Mrs. Biersack, It was really nice." I said. Probably the biggest thing I have said in a while. My mother looked shocked. "Please, Call us Amy and Chris. And thank you, Corey." Amy placed a hand on my shoulder.


I put on a Kiss shirt, my black mini skirt, black pantyhose, my combat boots, cut off leather jacket, chains on my skirt, my studded bracelets, silver bangles, pentagram choker, and my big hoops. My long brown hair was done like a scene girl. And I put on some cat eyes eye liner. "Someone looks amazing! Wow!" My mother exclaimed. "Hello Corey!" Amy waved. Andy walked in the door. "Can I use your bathroom?" Andy asked. "Our main one is being refinished but Corey's is fine." I nodded and showed Andy where it was. He thanked me. I noticed my poster was falling off the wall, so I fixed it. And I almost fell. I prepared for the blow. But I felt strong arms wrap around me. One on my upper thigh and the other was under my breasts. I blushed. And felt his grip loosen, and I was let go of. I shyly smiled and walked past him. I grabbed the car keys, waved goodbye, and waited for Andy in the car.

I was having trouble. I couldn't find my way around. Then this girl came up to me. "Who are you to give my fucking boyfriend a ride to school. I mean, you could have fucked him in the bed of that shitty truck! You little bitch!" she swung at me, hitting my eye. I didn't scream, I just winced. She kicked my ribs, punched my face a few times, busting my lip and making my nose bleed. That added to my black eye.

I saw Andy coming up to me. I put my head down and tried walking off. "Hey!" he grabbed my bruised arm. I dropped my things. I picked them up. "I'm sorry, Maybe you should get a ride from someone else." I said. "Why? I don't mi-Holy shit! What happened to your face!?" he asked. "Nothing. I tripped." I lied. "Scout...Did she do anything?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Then what happened?" He asked. "You don't have to keep up the act." I said walking away.

I barely managed to survive; But I did. I was making my way to my car when I heard a voice yell, "Corey!" I turned my head and sighed. "I need a ride." Andy said. "Please? We can go to a special place. I'll drive." He smiled. I sighed and gave up. "Yeah. Sure." I said.

"Music store?" I asked. "I know the guy who owns the place. He let me use it. I was going to bring Scout here, but, she cheated on me....with Todd Marky." He sighed. I rested my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "I'm Sorry." I apologized. He smiled. "It's cool. I also know that she hurt you. So, I'm sorry." He said sweetly.

Andy and I were laying down on the roof of the music store. We were both talking and smoking. Yep, I smoke. He was showing me his tattoos. "Cool." I sighed. "My mother doesn't want me to have a tattoo." I yawned. "Are you tired?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around me. I nodded. He pulled me closer. "Go to sleep for a while. I can take you home." He said. I put my head on his chest and started to dose off.

I woke up next to a warm body. "Hey." I sat up. "Kellin?!" I exclaimed. He and I hugged each other. "I missed you!" I said. We pulled apart and he got closer. Our lips met and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands traveled to my thighs, he pulled me into his lap. I heard someone cough. I blushed. "Is that your boyfriend?" Andy asked. "No. I'm Kellin, her best friend." Kellin said. "Oh, I'm Andy, her other friend." Andy said.

Kellin and Andy seemed...jealous or something. They got along, but seemed off. My stomach growled. "I'm gonna go order a pizza." I said and walked downstairs.

I thanked the pizza boy and paid him. "Do you wanna go out sometime?" He was kind of cute. "Um, Not really." I said feeling shy. "But I'm Todd Marky! Every girl would kill for me." I chuckled. "I'm not every girl." I then shut the door.

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