The Party, Part One

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                   Annabel wasn't always one for parties. The loud, blaring music and drunk frat boys just wasn't for her. But, her over-eccentric roommate Avery seemed way to interested, and she didn't want to disappoint. So, she put on her nicest dress, and the most uncomfortable pair of heels she owned, and drove out to a large farmhouse in the middle of nowhere.

                Annabel grabs an empty red solo cup, and fills it with water. She wasn't much of a drinker. It made her head hurt and her stomach flip and turn in knots. She would much rather stay hydrated and sit in the back on the couch. Her cup is next to her, and she made sure to keep an eye on it. She tucks a strand of black hair behind her ear, and she fidgets nervously in her seat. This was all very new to her. Just 3 months back she was in a small town, no bigger than 500 people, and now, there were probably triple the amount at this college alone. Her parents warned her about going to a big college,

"Why don't you do online school? There's this great program for engineering."

Her parents voice echo in her ear. She remembers her always having to gently 'remind them' she was going to college for writing, and she didn't want to be an engineer. Of course they were disappointed, and almost begged her last minute to change her mind. She knew writing was a hard degree to put use for, but she knew if she didn't do writing, she would regret it forever. She went to what you'd call a 'redneck town' so of course she was the smartest in her grade, which consisted of only 100 people. Smartest in the school? Probably not. But she was a close second. Straight A-'s. That's how she got her scholarship to this college. It wasn't the best, but it had a good creative writing program. The campus was huge, you could walk for blocks around campus, she would get lost often, going in circle's for hours, staring at the moon and thinking about everything. 

Annabel often had doubts about herself. It wasn't because of abuse, she was treated very nicely by her family. The only problem is they expected a lot from her, and she know they did it because they thought they knew what was best, but it still stuck with her, and she often pushed herself to hard because of it. 

Annabel is shaken by her thoughts, literally. Her roommate, Avery had found her. She was stumbling a little, probably because of the alcohol. She assumed Avery wanted to go home, so she starts to dig through her purse for the keys to her car. She was suddenly very glad she had nothing to drink. 

"No no no... come with me."

Annabel must have looked worried, because Avery smiles sweetly,

"Relax, its just a stupid game of spin the bottle, I didn't want to go alone."

Annabel sighs and gets to her feet, and allows Avery to lead her to a large bedroom, with a huge bed, it had to be a California king, with a large group of kids sitting in a circle. They all make room for them, the boys smiling realizing their odds of kissing a girl.

"Doesn't this seem... immature?"

Annabel takes her time to gaze around the circle, and her eyes land on a girl directly across from her. She was wearing a red flannel shirt and skinny jeans, and her long blonde hair was pulled up in a bun. When their eyes meet, the girl smiles.

"I'll go first."

She says, her voice husky. They spin the empty bottle. It lands on Avery. Avery smiles uncomfortably. The girl notices this, and casually moves the bottle so its pointing at Annabel. Annabel looks down, a blush creeping its way up her cheeks. She fiddles with her thumbs,

"Do it! Do it! Do it!"

The boys of the circle begin to chant. Annabel pushes herself forward and sits down right in front of the girl. The girl grabs her hand,

"Im Ivy."

With that, Ivy connects her lips with Annabel's. The first thing she tastes is beer. It makes her tongue tingle, but that may not have been the alcohol. Her stomach erupts with butterflies. Was she the only one who felt it? She deepens the kiss and starts to taste chap stick. It was fruity, maybe cherry. It would explain why this girls lips is the softest lips she's ever kissed. She's only ever kissed boys, though being bisexual. There just were not any non closest girls who liked girls. Then again, she was still in the closet to. She's kissed plenty of boys, but they've never been like this. Their lips were rough and thin. This girls lips were plump and soft. She unfortunately has to part for air, and she takes in a gasping breath. The boys, who were hooting and hollering, seemed disappointed to. 

"We should do that again sometime..."

Ivy says, her eyes sparking, and grinning widely.


Is all Annabel can mumble. Before they could talk more, she looks over and see's Avery. She looked tired, and she surely was gonna pass out any minute now. Annabel looks at Ivy apologetically, and pulls Avery to her feet, leading her out the door and to the car.

Even during the drive home, her lips still tingled and her heart was still pounding. All she knew was her name. Would she ever see her again? Probably not. Annabel sighs heavily, and pulls into their shared apartments driveway. Avery stumbles to her feet, and with little help, Annabel manages to lead Avery to her room. Avery collapses on the bed, and snores loudly. Annabel walks to her room and sits on her bed with a huff. She gently brings her fingers to delicately touch her lips. They felt warm, warmer than usual. She lays back, still in her dress, and drifts off into a sleepless slumber.

Definitely gonna be a part 2. This is one of the longest short stories i've written in like a year! 1000 words baby!!!

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