The Party, Part 3

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Annabel spends the rest of the day raking through her mind with every possible detail on every possible thing. How would she do her hair? Should she eat before? What if she looked bad? She certainly wasn't ugly... but was she anything but average? By the time her mind is less clouded, its 9 am the next day. That's only because she has no time to actually worry. She's to busy applying every bit of pride gear she owned. She ends up completing her look by tying the bi flag around her shoulders. She even did an ombre lip! She looked in the mirror, and smiled at herself in the mirror. Her dark skin seemed to glow. 

She struts out her house and to her car. She felt powerful as she throws her car door open. That is, until she sees the time. Its 11:50, and the cafe was 15 minutes away. She frantically starts her car and speeds down the road. What if Ivy leaves before she arrives? Would Ivy hate her? She holds back her tears and pumps the gas pedal. She maneuvers her way around traffic, and pulls into the cafe parking lot at 12 on the dot. She runs inside, and sees Ivy sitting in the corner, rainbow flannel tied around her waist and her blonde hair in a bun. She had rainbow scrunchies holding it up. Ivy smiles upon seeing Annabel. Annabel walks up, and pulls Ivy to her feet. Ivy laces their hands together and walks to Annabels car. Ivy gets in the passenger seat and Annabel drives off.

The car ride is filled with their exciting chatter. They talk about never going to a pride parade before and how happy they get to go with each other. They didn't talk about their kisses, only about how happy they were together. 

"I'm so glad i get to spend this time with you. I hope you feel the same, but I feel a real connection with you."

"I feel it to, trust me,"

Ivy says, looking into Annabel's dark eyes as she takes them off the road for a moment.

They arrive to the closed off street about 20 minutes later, and they both smile faintly at each other. Annabel looks down at Ivy's plump lips and back at her eyes, she smiles, and gets out of the car, just after parking about a block away. They walk hand in hand to the parade and the sound of disco music makes them look at each other again. Ivy pulls Annabel close and they start walking down the street. There were a lot of people, this was a bigger city, and stop every once in a while to talk to people that dressed extra-gay, to take pictures of course. They were having the time of their lives, this was a great first date. It was perfect, until... they got to the protesters. Their shouts of hatred ripped Annabel to shreds, and Ivy grips her hand tighter. 

"Freaks! God will punish you for your sins!"

One of them yelled. Annabel wanted to cry. She wants to scream at them. But, she stays silent. Instead, she turns away. Ivy smiles and pulls her close,

"Why dont we give them something to hate?"

Annabels head tilts confused, that is, before Ivy pulls her in for a kiss. The screams seem to fade out as Annabel puts her hand on Ivy's cheek. Annabels breath is taken away again, and she deepens the kiss. Cherry chapstick. And something else Her hearing comes back, and Annabel can make out the yells of the protesters. They were saying something about god would punish them, but... she didnt care. Annabel pulls away, and smiles, leaning her forehead against Ivy's. They smile, and Annabel tucks a stray strand of Ivys hair behind her ear. The protesters yells get louder, but when she looks into Ivys eyes, she doesnt care. She finally knew what she tasted in her kiss. She tasted love, she tasted the revolution.

666 words, thats honstly so funny. So much for the last part being longer am I right?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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