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Chapter 1
I'm just an ordinary girl who is living by my self and works in a caffe. I am suppost to be the perfect daughter of two lovely and perfect parents. I started walking down the campus going to the caffe. I suddently see a tall, dark and handsome man walking past me. He smelt like dark scented roses. His tattoos go right up to his neck, probably covering his whole body. He stared at me with squinched eyes. I wonder what he was thinking. He wore a jet black suit and holding a cigarette in his tattooed hands. As I reached the caffe, I started to put my work apron on and started to serve people. Just about half an hour to an hour later, the same man I saw earlier walked in with a body guard next to him. I realised he looked familiar, not because I saw him earlier. But he reminded me of someone famous.
Then I realised my best friend Emily is obsessed with this man in the papers. She never stops talking about him. My eyes widen as he walks over towards me because I realised who he was. But I wasn't the least bit interested in him. I rolled my eyes.

As I'm day dreaming he snaps his fingers right in front of my face.
"Exuse me" he raised his fingers and stared at me.
"No I won't exuse you, who the hell do you think you are, snapping your fingers at me like you own the place!" I snapped at him in his face then walked away into the back. Someone else can serve his ass
He looked at me shocked because he probably didn't expect me to snap. But I dont take no shit from anyone. Not when they are being a jackass

"Who is she?" He demanded
I walked in angrily telling him it's non of his business who I am.
"You don't need to know who I am, but I want to know the rude man's name who snapped his fingers at me!"

He looks at me also with an angry face but he looks at me intensely.
I was about to walk out but he got in my way and stud right in front of me raising an eyebrow.
"Don't you dare speak to me like that! First of all how was I ment to approach you because you was stud there day dreaming and not doing your job properly and second I wanted to offer you a better job than this old place"
"Does it look like I want your god dam job! And you cant just walk in here and snap you're fingers at me and the next offer me a job. No, so if you exuse me I have to go!"
He let's go of me to walk out but I didn't think he would let me of the hook that easily! He owns his own business, he's a mob and like the richest man alive, who the hell was I kidding.

I walked down the road feeling like I was being watched. I'm looking behind me too see a black limo driving slowly. I start to get agitated so I stopped and walked over to the limo, wanting to know who was clearly following me. I strolled over knocking on the window, loud and clear. The window started to roll down half way and I saw the same man in the shop this morning pulling down his shades on his nose and gave me a wink.

"yes? You come to kick of again?" He said sarcastically.
"If you are following me, then yes I will because it's called stalking and guess what? It's illegal!" I said with also a sarcastic smile on my face and walked off.
I could see him getting more annoyed
"Get in!" He demands
"Exuse me! The last time I checked, you don't get in cars with strangers and not to mention with dicks either, that's a big no, no for me thanks." I said whilst my heart beats faster and faster.
He opend the door and two of his body guards grabbed me and put a towel over my mouth with chloroform on it, knocking me out straight away!

Half an hour later...
My eyes start to wake up. I am lying in a bed with covers wrapped over me and a change of completely different cloths on. Preferably pajamas. I started to panick and I quickly get up looking for my things and as I start to pack. I look for a window to climb out of. It looked like I was seven floors high but there was a balcony I could climb on to to escape. Luckily I wasn't afraid of heights. Before I climbed out of the window, I put a wooden chair up against the door so that no one could get in. I quickly run to the window opening it as the door handle starts to shake. I climb out and on to the edge of the building, making my heart race that little faster.

CRASH! The door crashed open and the wooden chair brakes into pieces, scattering the floor. The man who was covered in tattoos walked in, running to the window, trying to grab me as I quickly climb away. I look over at him and smile, but his face didn't look happy.

"Shit" He says whilst screaming at his body guards, telling them to come and get me.
"Get that girl and bring her back, make sure she is safe and dont hurt her! Jurt her and you deal with me. Got it! She's a delicate one" He said whilst whispering under his breath.

I kept climbing... but my foot slips and I nearly fall, which makes me panick and breath faster. I reach the other room of the balcony next to my room. I safely get to the other side and open the door walking into the free room that no one had booked. I quickly grab a drink and a map because I had no clue where I was. I opend the door and see two men standing there.

It was the man's body guards. They grabbed me, squeezed their hands on my arm, leaving bruises on them a couple minutes after.
I finally reach the room that I was in before, bringing me back to the beginning.

"You have some guts Summer" He mentioned
"You stole my I'D card!" She gathered
"And clever too apparently" He muttered whilst laughing
He looked down at my arms when his body guards put me down.
"I told you not to hurt her " He screamed at them with such rage.
" hahaha and what do you care?" I questioned as he is staring at me with his baby blue eyes.
"Well, I do because your going to work for me so I need you to be perfectly fine..."

If you enjoyed this chapter rate it and comment what you think of it and don't forget to check out my other book (falling for you). It has not finished but I have yet to update more on them both. You will find out his name and what business he does in the next chapter.

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