Warped Tour, Part II

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You woke up the next morning bright and early. Not that you had gotten much sleep the night before anyway, considering the circumstances.

You finished getting dressed, completely ecstatic. Your laptop was on the floor, playing your favorite music video, and you kicked it shut using your awesome ninja powers.


You raced down the stairs and slid on the tile in your socks. "Warped Tour, part two!!"

"Shut up honey I'm trying to read."

"Okay!" You put on your shoes, not hearing whatever the hell your lame mom just told you. You dashed out the door, bag in tow and sunglasses in the process of getting to your face.

You waited for a moment or two before hearing a horn blare from the bottom of your street. Your friend turned the corner, approaching your house with BVB blasting and all the windows rolled down.

She stopped at your house, leaning towards the passenger side with a giant grin.

"Get in, loser," she said. "We're going to see Andy Biersack."

You grinned, laughing and hopping in the car.

"Stopped by the store and got you something nice," she continued, holding out a bag of your favorite snack food.

You took it instantly. "You're the best!" you said. "Thank you so much!"

"Yeah, no problem!" she replied as you began munching. She turned a corner, exiting your residential area of living, and officially started the road trip. "Might have to speed a little, but we should make it by Thursday."

You nodded, thankful this was the summer and you didn't have school. Ah, this was so awesome!!

You spend those two days getting to know your friend a little better and both of you sharing new music. Listening to old favorites, of course, like classic BVB songs. Eventually, the car's dashboard hit 12am, Thursday.

"It's time," your friend said, narrowing her eyes. "The clock knows all..."

You laughed lightly, completely giddy with amusement and sheer surprise about everything. You kept wanting to wake up, this was so dream-like...

Your friend took a hard turn (which you screamed at) and pulled up to a parking slot. You took in a deep breath; your friend placed their hand on your shoulder.

"You ready?"

You nodded, and then grinned like a mad fool. "This is so awesome," you told her. "I can't believe I'm meeting him again."

"Can't believe he wants to meet you again," she murmured in reply, briefly raising her brows. "Who'd want to meet you twice?"

You gave her a playful push that she countered with a barking laugh.

"Weak! Your pushes have no effect on me!"

"It's not very effective..." you said, quoting Pokémon. As you got out of the car, you heard her laugh, her own door shutting and the car's locks shifting into place with a few beeps.

Time to go see Andy...


It was more than a bit strange, meeting a celebrity for the second time. Those butterflies were still in your gut, but now they were throwing a mosh pit in there. You were more nervous, standing in line for the second time.

You murmured this to your friend, who playfully shoved you (and nearly knocked you over).

"YOU ARE SO LUCKY!" your friend squealed. "Who the hell gets to do this a second time?!"

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