Forged From Flame

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"It took a flood to remember I float."

"You like me?" you gaped out the words, mouth moving like a fish.

He nodded.

"Yeah." An easy smile came. "Why'd you think I gave you my number?"

Because you're a nice person...

You were about to say this when suddenly the doorbell rang. With a quick glance to you, Andy quietly excused himself.

A moment later, you heard a question, one name causing your stomach to drop.


Every part of you shut down at a separate time.

Your stomach was the first to go, the dead weight in your belly sinking quickly. And then your heart stuttered, as one foot slid back and your head turned towards the front entrance. Your brain struggling to work, struggling to piece together what you were seeing. Andy's old girlfriend, the breakup still relatively fresh.

A thought resounded in your mind: Did Andy just use you to get over her? Were you some sort of rebound?

"Well, what the hell!" A heeled foot stomped, and you saw Andy's head drop forward in defeat, in resentment.

"Look"—Both hands rose, obviously in defense again--"I'm not looking to get into an argument, Jul'. Just get back in your car. We're done talking."

"Please. Like I'm not worth your time!"

Ya ain't. Even if the breakup was bad and plastered all over Twitter, you could only guess that Juliet was to blame for it. Andy was perfect, at least to you.

"Just go..." Andy waved a hand, the other one grabbing the door. He preceded to shut it, but a heeled foot wedged itself in between door and frame.

"Like you're getting rid of me that easily!"

Well, shit. That made things 100x more complicated.

You sighed a little, determined to make as little noise as possible. Getting spotted in the house of Andy Biersack was one thing, but getting spotted by his kooky ex was a whole other ballpark.

Unfortunately, as soon as you had this thought, she noticed you.

"So you're bringing little fangirls into our home?!"

"Fangirls?" Andy repeated, head rolling a little as he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right."

Once again, you kept silent, not wanting to correct him and state the obvious. Thank God you weren't wearing any BVB merch, opting to stick with a plain black T and ripped jeans.

Not that fashion mattered right now.

After a few more exchanges between the two, Juliet huffed off, storming back to her car. Except, instead of an engine roaring to life, she stormed back with a baseball bat.

"Watch out!" You extended a hand, but the attempt to shield Andy was uncalled for. Juliet walked over to your left, towards Andy's first window.

She hauled the bat up, and swung.

The glass exploded, the window rippling out and shattering, creating the smallest of pieces and expanding outwards.

"Juliet!" Andy's voice, but the attempt was in vain.

Through the gaping hole in the window, Juliet's eyes landed on you. They widened in half-craze, half-fury, and once again, she brought the bat up, taking a step towards the window as if she were preparing to climb through.

Andy stopped her, widening his arms and shielding you.

"Just go," he said. "Just leave."

A pause, then a frustrated growl. Juliet stormed off again, and your body relaxed at the sound of an engine coming to life.

Your walked to the window was in a daze. This shouldn't have happened. It was your fault.

"I'm sorry."

You fell to your knees, glass poking into your legs, despite Andy's protest to get you somewhere safer.

There, kneeled in broken glass, is where Andy joined you. One hand coming to your shoulder, the other beginning to pick up the pieces and curl each shard into his palm. Your mind didn't register the blood probably beginning to swell from his skin, sure the red would be decorating the carpet any time soon.

Your mind didn't register very much, but you kept on picking up small things. The bruise on his cheek, the way his nose twitched as he reached a free hand out to you. Holding yours.
A song from a good, local band came to your mind.

"It took a flood to remember I float."

You said these words, reminding yourself of why we truly experience pain. Why things happen the way they do. How the weapon only gets forged from the fire, steel crafted from overbearing heat.

Andy was that heat. You understood it now. Every obstacle we face was a sign, a reminder that we only grow from the worst. If Juliet was the seed, you were the dirt and Andy the water.
Now it just took time.

You had to remember that.

Sorrowed Souls [Andy Biersack x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now