Part 10

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I woke up the next morning to find my lower half wet, though it wasn't pee or anything..

   "HOLY PONY EATING MACARONI!" I yelled sending Tord running to our room because he was making breakfast in the kitchen. I turned to look at him. "I think.... my water broke (some how)" tords eyes widened.

Location skip -in the car-

I was holding my stomach, trying not to think of all the pain I'm in, I could start to feel my arms and legs get a little weak and I tried to clinch my fist. Tord sat one of him hands on mine when he smiled at me.

    "You'll be fine, I promise" Tord said as he looked back on the road so he could quickly drive to the nearest hospital which was a different one from the one that we went to the other day just in case.

We came to a quick stop and Tord ran out of the car to come to my side and swiftly pick me up and run inside to tell the front desk worker about our situation, she really didn't look at me so she didn't see I was a boy so that was relieving, she lead us straight to one of the rooms where a doctor stood and got startled by us coming in.

   "What brings you here with some patients without a reservation, Mrs. Minx?" The doctor asks.
     "Pregnant" she said writing something down and she ran out of the room like she had to be somewhere.
      The doctor looked at me confused but decided not to talk and gave me an uniform that was just a blue looking short dress.

     "You'll have to be sea sectioned.. because... you know" the doctor said and I nodded o he got to work.

Time skip

"It's twins" the doctor said handing the baby's to one of the nurses to wash and give shots and such. "And they're both boys!"

"Holy-eh-wa-mm-whaaa??" I questioned as they gave me more numbing shots, so they could sew the hole on my stomach they created to get the baby's out.

Tord and I were waiting for a little bit, and I figured out that this was a hospital that is secret and doesn't ask questions, such as "how could you have a baby? Your born a boy?" Or "we see some unusual signs of..." and so on so forth.

When they came back with our new baby's they handed one to me and one to Tord .

The one I held had inverted eyes, and even though he was just a baby he had a little bit of hair that seemed to be strawberry blonde, the twin Tord held didn't look like the other twin at all surprisingly, he had normal eyes besides the fact that the iris is red, his hair color was a little darker then the hair color i have and he seemed to be a little taller to the other also.

The doctor told us that I could get changed into my usual clothes and we could leave whenever we wanted with our newborns sense Tord already payed.

Time skip -in TORDS car-

We sat the baby's is the baby car seats and we got our seats and took off.

"Good thing we bought and extra of all the baby stuff, and we have a surplus of toys" Tord laughed.

"I would think that all parents would also buy extras, but maybe not" I smiled softly. Tord smiled back and went to looking back on the road.

I wonder how many months it's been? I said remembering the fact that I have to join some weird red army and leave all my loved ones behind, my smile fell thinking about it. Tord would usually question why I'm frowning but I'm facing towards my window so he can't see my face.

When we got out, Tord picked up the smaller twin and I picked up the taller red eyed one. When we took them inside, we immediately took them to the baby room we made to place them in there cribs. The one with red eyes lays in the dark red crib while the other twin lays in a bright blue one.

I went to my room to take a nap while Tord went to the kitchen to prepare food for lunch.

As I was laying on my bed I could feel something weird in my body. Then I started smelling mint so I sniffed myself... "crabapples" I whispered to myself "I in my fucking pre-heat" I complained. "Well at least I can control my body, but when I get to my full heat I wont be able to."

"Ugh... it's so... hot" I mumbled into a pillow. I looked up from the pillow to see the mirror on the other side of the room. My face was covered in blush and I also had sweat dripping down the side of my face. "It shouldn't be this bad if I was in my pre-heat" I rubbed my eye.

'Wait, I don't have a pre-heat after not being pregnant... that means... I'm in my heat!' I thought to myself.

   "Shit, shit shit shit shit shit shit" I mumbled. "Thomas~" I see Tord walking threw the door as if he couldn't control himself.



Sorry i rushes all of this, it's just I missed so much time so I tried to quickly ketch up.

So yeah... sorry I was gone, I had lots of school shit to do🤷‍♀️

Do you guys want me to do a face reveal? I'm bored.

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