#do not own creepy pasta#
#her story takes off after escaping#
*Backstory: A eleven year old girl was in a coma for her first three years because of a curse, she never had a name. At five when they tried to teach her something she already knew it. When she was eight she murdered her adopted parents and siblings. The neighbors heard the screaming and called the police. They found her sleeping on top of the dead bodies holding two knives. That very day they sent her to the asylum.On the day before she turned twelve she escaped. She grabbed a spell book from a cell mate and taught herself magic. She kills abusive parents most of the time and has a voice in her head. She doesn't care who sees her kill while she looks innocent. She lives in a secret circus.
Finally free!!... Now let's go kill some random people in the park.
Fine voice
I walked to the nearest town and went into the park. I saw a person who looked like a monochrome clown. He was talking to a little girl. If you looked you could see the bruises on her arms. I walked up to the clown and child. "Excuse me but are you her guardian?" I asked the clown quietly. He shook his head and pointed towards two fat people. "Thank you sir!" I said overjoyed. I skipped over to the guardians of the little girl and stopped in front of them. "Excus-" I started "What the fuck do you want child!'' The fat woman said cutting me off. I frowned and sighed. I relaxed and tentacles came out of my back. The couple didn't even get to scream before they were nothing but chopped human.
That's what ya get chopped liver!
I simply sighed at the voice and and put my tentacles away. Some F.B.I agents jumped out of a helicopter and tried to attack me. They tried to tackle me but I teleported next to the child from before. She stared at me shocked. "I didn't know any body either than L.J. could teleport." She said blankly. I didn't pay attention to what she said and made a R.P.G. (rocket propelled grenadine launcher) appeared. I shot down the helicopter and grabbed the girl's and clown's wrists before teleporting to my circus. When we were inside of the tent I made a raven appear at my side. Suddenly Peter Pan flew to my side. "Pan, I have another child for you." I said looking like hell. He nodded quickly knowing that if he makes me mad I will end his life and all his lost children will be orphans in the real world. I showed him the little girl and noticed the clown wasn't with her. "Pan boy, leave with the child already." I snapped at him. Pan scooped her into his arms and left. I started running towards the clown's sent which led to the arcade. I crept inside and hid behind the game called 'Zelda: Major Mask'. Two voices were talking. I peeked over the game to see a guy that looked like Link and the clown I saved from earlier. I back flipped over the game and caught both of their attention. The looked at each other before nodding and then turn towards me. I teleported behind them and pushed them down. The sound of glass breaking caused me to turn around. A human was staring at me in horror while holding some water and gasoline. I made them disappear into thin air and then said to him. "Bloody dreams..." I made my tentacles appear out of my back and then they cut out his heart. Before I could think my tentacles dissapeared done with the job. A sudden pain went through my head for five seconds before everything went dark.
That clown should have died
But then why didn't you say so?
Something felt important about himself
A cold pain made me wake up. I scanned the room I was in. It looked like a doctors office but with blood on the wall as if it was in a horror movie. No one was in the room and I was restrained by my arms and legs.
Stupid humans
I lifted my back up my back and my tentacles appeared. I had them undo the locks keeping me down and cartwheeled off the table. I put them back away because I no longer needed them for now. The cabinets were filled with jars of organs. I was looking at them when two little giggles were heard behind me. I turned around to see two little walking corpses of twin girls. One had her right eye was dangling out of its socket, she had cotton blue hair, and her insides were replaced by candy. The other had sharp teeth, cotton pink hair, and her insides replaced by candies.
"Hello children." I replied calmly. They both start screaming and crying. My tentacles wrapped around them and lifted them up.
They are around the age of four and look tired. Stitch up their stomachs and give them better eyes. Make them fall asleep and then take them to our circus.
Okay parent voice
The girl with pink hair fell asleep but the other one fumbled, trying to put the eye back in its socket. I brought the blue hair girl next to my chest and placed her into my arms. I used my free tentacles to block the door with anything not necessarily needed by me which was mostly teacher desks and old scalpels. I put the girl that was asleep on the lounge and the other on the restraint table. She was too tired to talk or cry so she just mumbled. I found an oxygen tank and mask in the corner so I put it on her. Since she was a corpse, it wasn't so she could breathe but so I could see if there were holes in her throat pipes. I removed all the candy and her eyes went white.
After sewing her up and replacing her eyes

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