I opened my eyes to have my head buried in someone's shirt. A hand was on my tentacles as if to stroke them. I lifted my head to see that I was in a nice and tidy bedroom with a boy that was cosplaying Link. He yawned quietly and sat up. He waved at me and stood up. I looked at his hair. It was cut into a longer haircut than I thought.
So... Yes... He is really a she and I didn't want you to know...
SHE put the longer portion of her hair into a tight bun on the top of her head and then placed on her hat.
"Your hair is so pretty! I don't understand why do you hide it though." I said in a whisper.
"How old are you anyway..." She said asked instead of answering my question.
"Mentally eight and physically twelve." I replied to her in a murmur.
"What is your name?" She asked sitting next to me. "I haven't heard it since I was three so I forget... I think it was Madison." I said avoiding eye contact now. She opened her mouth to say something but someone knocked on the door. "BEN!!! Slendy wants you to eat lunch with us downstairs!!" The voice through the door yelled. "I'm not listening Jeff!!!" She yelled out to the person. "child, you need to come out!" A deeper voice ordered. I turned invisible and just then the door bursted open. Her breathing became rapid and short. A faceless slender walked into the room and a boy with pale skin, black hair and a white hoodie. "BEN!!! Why the hell did you lock yourself in your room?! All I said was-" Jeff was cut off by me becoming visible and then hissing. I covered BEN's ears. "Say uncle?" I replied. "The last name of 'him' is drowned not drown! Last thing she heard him say was 'say uncle'! She was drowned by her uncle!" I yelled making my tentacles appear. The boy looked at me in pure shock. I tried to remove my hands from her ears but she was already asleep. Multiple people ran to the door to see what was so loud. The window flew open and a sudden gush of wind knocked off BEN's hat. Her hair fell down to her waist. I carefully lied her head down and then grabbed for my compass in my pocket. It was the only thing that could help me age slowly forever. It spun three times, each time it stopped on Slenderman.

Your destiny is in the hands of Slenderman.

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