Chapter 17: Reset

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The room is still as soon as Bellamy falls to the floor with an unconscious Rory in his arms

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The room is still as soon as Bellamy falls to the floor with an unconscious Rory in his arms. His heart pounds so hard in his chest that it's the only thing he can hear as he watches the life slowly leave Rory. He shouts for someone, anyone, to go get the antidote, to go and get Clarke. After a few seconds of shock, Octavia springs to life and rushes towards the ladder. She throws herself down them as fast as she physically can and notifies Clarke, both of the girls climbing the ladders at an inhuman speed to get to their best friend. As soon as they step off the ladder they see Bellamy in the corner of the room, Rory's body still in his arms. Clarke rushes over to them and, when she falls to her knees next to Bellamy, she sees his shaking hands and the tears that have fallen down his face.

"She stopped breathing." He whispers. His voice shaking with every word. "I... I did CPR and I got her back. Clarke, help her. Please."

Clarke looks up at him and she can't believe that this is the same Bellamy Blake. He seems so vulnerable, like part of him isn't there right now. That's when Clarke realises, just like how Rory lost part of herself when Bellamy 'died', Bellamy loses part of himself when Rory isn't around. So much of him is tied to Rory. "She's going to be fine, I promise you." Clarke says, pouring some of the antidote into Rory's mouth. Rory swallows the liquid, much to everyone's relief. "Thank you, Bellamy."

"What?" Bellamy mutters, still focused entirely on Rory.

"Thank you, Bellamy, for saving my best friend's life."

- - - -

The hours pass by slowly as they all wait for Rory and Finn to wake up. Clarke takes over as sole leader because Bellamy refuses to leave Rory's side. They try to make both of them more comfortable, particularly Rory as she's lying on the ground, by making them pillows out of the blankets.

After a few hours Rory awakes. She opens her eyes and the first thing she sees is Bellamy. He's sat next to her, his eyes closed and head lolled back against the wall. She doesn't want to wake him but knows she has to. "Hey." Rory whispers, her throat dry and in desperate need of some water.

"Rory." Bellamy breathes out, eyes snapping open. He leans over to her and pulls her into his arms. "Thank god."

"God it's so bright in here." She mutters, reaching her hand up to cover her eyes. "How's Finn?"

Bellamy looks at her like she's crazy. "How's Finn? Rory you almost died."

"But I didn't."

"He's getting better, still unconscious but Clarke says he should wake up soon. The poison was in his system for longer than it was in yours." Bellamy tells her, letting go of her and helping her lean against the wall next to him. He lets out a sigh. "You should've told me, Rory. As soon as you knew what had happened you should've told me."

"And what good would that have done?"

"I would have gotten the information out of him quicker. I would've done something."

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