Chapter Three

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Alex cringed as his father lifted a hand once again. He used his other hand to hold Alex by the shirt collar, spitting in his face as he called him names and hit him. "You disgusting faggot, worthless piece of shit!" His father threw him against the wall, causing Alex to scramble around and hold onto the nearest ledge just so that he wouldn't fall down. "Get the fuck out of my face, you dyke!" One last blow to the jaw and Alex was unconciously bleeding on the floor. 

Alex jumped awake, shaking, and he instantly burst into tears. It was still dark outside, and Jack was sleeping on the other side of the bed. Letting out a shaky sigh, Alex curled into a ball and shut his eyes tight.

"Alex?" Jack rolled over and rubbed his eyes. Alex sniffled and lifted his head to look at Jack. "Oh my god what's wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen?" Alex chuckled and shook his head no. "I just had a bad dream, go back to sleep," he replied. Jack sighed and opened his arms. Sinking into them, Alex began sobbing against Jack's bare chest.

"Shh, it's okay Lex," Jack whispered into Alex's ear as he rubbed his back. Alex pulled back and looked at Jack, smiling. "Lex?" he chuckled, "I like that." Jack smiled and laid down, lifting the blanket to invite Alex under it with him. Alex, still shaking, accepted the invitation and cuddled up to Jack under the covers, falling asleep once again.


"Good morning," Jack smiled as Alex opened his eyes and groaned. Jack had been awake for about an hour, and was currently drying his hair from the shower he took. "You should have woke me up," Alex whined as he sat up and stretched. "Well I figured I'd let you sleep as long as you could. You needed it," Jack said, combing through his own hair.

Alex nodded and stood up, walking to the bathroom that connected to Jack's room. "Can I take a shower?" he asked. "Go ahead, Lex," Jack replied. Alex smiled and shut the door.

Alex stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around his waste. "Jack," he said, "I, um..." Jack giggled and threw a pair of boxers, a tee shirt, and sweatpants at Alex. Alex smiled as he caught the items and dissapeard back into the bathroom.

After they were both done getting dressed, Jack led Alex downstairs to the large kitchen. Opening the pantry, he collected ingredients to make pancakes. Alex sat on a barstool and watched Jack mix the batter, pour it onto a pan, and flip the pancakes, not saying a word. Once he had made three large pancakes, he put them on a plate and place it in front of Alex. "Breakfast is served," he said dramatically, making Alex giggle.

Jack made breakfast for himself, and the two boys sat eating together. When they were done, Jack offered Alex a ride home. "I hate to send you home so soon," Jack said, "but I have to pick up my sister from the airport. How about you come over again tomorrow? I'll pick you up, okay?" Alex smiled and nodded as they got into the car. 

"This one," Alex pointed to a single-wide trailor hidden behind a row of pine trees. "Just let me out at the end of the driveway, I'll walk up." "Alrighty, bye Lex. I'll be here at noon, okay?" Alex smiled and nodded. "Bye, Jack, thanks again," he replied before walking up the driveway, trying to get into the house before his father noticed.

But it was too late. Alex's dad appeared from behind a tree and grabbed Alex by his hair, nearly dragging him inside as Jack watched from his car in horror.

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