Chapter Twelve

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Jack paced around the house nervously, straightening up things as he came across them. It was the day that his parents were coming home. They still didn't know about Alex moving in, and Jack knew they wouldn't mind, because they love the older boy. But he was really worried about coming out to his parents. He knew they wouldn't accept him.

He had sent Alex to the store to pick up a few things. Jack tried not to act nervous around the other boy, because that would just end in them both being insanely nervous. Alex kind of counted on Jack to keep him sane.

"Hey," Alex said, breaking Jack's train of thought. The older boy set down several shopping bags in the kitchen and began putting things away. 

Jack walked over to help, distracting himself so he didn't seem so nervous. Alex seemed to notice his nerves, though. "What are you so scared of?" the older boy finally asked after a while of uncomfortable silence.

"Nothing, I'm not nervous," Jack replied. He continued putting things away, avoiding eye contact. The older boy rolled his eyes. He stood behind Jack and wrapped his arms around the other boy's waist, resting his chin on his shoulder. "It's gonna be fine," he said softly, kissing Jack on the cheek.

Jack let out a sigh and pulled the other boy's arms off of himself. He turned to face Alex. "I'm scared of ending up on the streets or something,. My parents aren't the most accepting people in the world, Alex. As soon as they find out I'm gay they'll throw me out without thinking twice. And when I'm out, so are you, and that's the last thing I want. I hate to put you through this, you know I love you. I want the best for you and I hate that I can't give you that!"

Jack felt a lump growing in his throat, swallowing it down and blinking away the tears in his eyes. He needed to be strong, even though he was growing so weak. He just wanted to be accepted for who he was. He was always letting people down, even Alex, who he loved so much. He was never good enough for anyone.

Alex reached up and wiped the tears from Jack's eyes before pulling him into a comforting hug. "We'll figure this out," Alex whispered, "I promise I won't let you do this on your own." Jack buried his face in Alex's neck and sniffled. "I just want you to be happy," he replied. Alex nodded, rubbing the younger boy's back. "I'll always be happy, as long as we're together."


Jack shot up off the couch when he heard the door unlock. His parents were about two hours late, and he had been getting worried. Alex stood up after and followed him to the front door.

"Mom! Dad!" Jack said enthusiastically, his mother pulling him into a tight hug. "Oh sweetheart I missed you!" she said. "And Alex!" She let go of Jack and immediately hugged Alex. The boy smiled and greeted her before turning to shake Jack's dad's hand.

"So how was the trip?" Jack asked. He twisted his hands nervously, glancing at Alex once or twice who was twisting his hair around his finger, staring at the ground.

"It was great!" his father replied. He led the group into the living room, each couple taking one of the two couches. "We got a lot done, sent out the paperwork... you know, the usual. Right honey?" He looked at his wife, who smiled and nodded.

"Well how did everything go while we were away?" she asked sweetly. Jack grew noticeably more nervous, smiling and glancing around the room. "It was great, uh, had lots of fun... can I ask you something?" 

His mother raised an eyebrow, nodding. Jack cleared his throat before speaking. "Is it okay if Alex stays with us for a while? I mean, he got kicked out of his house and he has really no place to stay..." he trailed off, avoiding the next part of the conversation.

His parents both smiled and nodded. "Of course dear, we love Alex!" his mom replied. Jack smiled and nodded. "Is there something else?" his mother asked. 

Jack nodded quickly, looking at the floor. "Um, now that you said yes to him staying, there's something you should know..." he looked at Alex nervously, who was suprisingly holding himself together pretty well. 

"What is it, sweetie?" his mother asked with concern growing on her face. His father didn't seem very amused, as he was doing something on his phone.

"Uh, well, I don't know really how to say this... But um..." Jack swallowed heavily, looking at the floor. He took in a deep breath before continuing. "Alex is, um, he's gay," he said. He felt Alex tense up beside him. 

His mother's face fell slightly, and she nodded slowly. "Okay," she said. She looked at Alex strangely before Jack opened his mouth to continue. "And so am I," he said fast. He squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed Alex's hand, holding it tight.

Both of his parents gasped. His father dropped his phone on the floor, eyes wide to match his wife's. "Y-you're kidding right?" his mother asked quietly, shifting in her seat.

Jack swallowed hard, looking at the ground and shaking his head. He squeezed Alex's hand tighter.

Jack's father's face grew angry. "Alex, may we speak with Jack alone for a moment?" he said, gesturing for Alex to leave.

Alex nodded and began getting up. Jack tugged on his hand and looked at him with sad eyes. "Don't go," he whispered, shaking his head. 

"Jack, let go of him," his mother demanded. Jack sighed and let go of Alex who walked awkwardly out of the room.

He walked into the den next to the living room, sitting on the small couch in the corner. He was scared and shaking and he just hoped everything would turn out alright.

Alex heard yelling in the next room. He couldn't tell what was being said, but he knew it was not good. 

He sat listening for about ten minutes before he heard Jack running out of the room. 

The younger boy walked into the den and sat next to Alex, tears running down his face. Alex took Jack's hand in his before asking, "did they kick you out?"

Jack slowly shook his head, staring down at the floor. He cleared his throat and met up with Alex's confused eyes.

"Worse," was all he could choke out without instantly bursting into sobs.

Alex raised an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly before Jack opened his mouth to continue.

"I'm not allowed to leave the house," Jack said, "and... I can't talk to you anymore."

The two boys simultaneously burst into tears, holding eachother. This can't be happening, Alex thought. How could he ever go on without Jack?

A/N More drama to ruin the happy because I am so evil like that c; I've been really busy lately so updates will not be as often as I'd like them to be. But as soon as everything settles down I will write longer, more detailed chapters I promise <3 leave comments and stuff, i love you ok bye~

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