Chapter I

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Authors note: Hi I'm still new to writing fanfics so please tell me what's good and what's bad. I started this off with a chapter of around 2500
words. Is this long enough? Should it be shorter? I don't know. Please tell me what length each chapter should be. Also
Disclaimer: I do not own fairy tail or Naruto, if I did it would be a lot different, and probably a lot worse.
Without further ado ENJOY!!! :D
Naruto's POV.

...Sasuke was dying...
The great Sasuke Uchiha was dying.
We were in Kaguya's dimension and Sasuke had been blasted with an unbelievable amount of raw chakra from Kaguya. I rested him on a rock ledge that stuck out from the side. "KAGUYA!! YOU %#*^!!" I created a chakra shield around me and Sasuke and looked at Sasuke dearly. "Hang on, Hang on... Sakura! COME OVER HERE QUICK!!" I shouted to Sakura who was with Kakashi a little bit away. She ran over and was just about to start trying to heal Sasuke when he said, "Stop... it is no  
Use... My time is over... Naruto, before I dye please take this..." He then put out his hand and gestured to put out my hand and put his hand on mine. Suddenly a dark but warm glow surrounded our hands and then faded away. I looked at my hand and saw the moon seal has moved from his hand to mine. I suddenly felt a burst of power and felt like I could be in sage mode for twice the time. I felt like my chakra reserves have increased exponentially too. Sasuke then told me, "I also want you to put your hands on my eyes and absorb my rinnegan and sharingan." I sadly did as he says and felt the power of his eyes absorb into me. I then looked at my hands and saw the moon seal had his Eternal mangekyou Sharingan pattern engraved behind the moon seal and in my sun seal his rinnegan. I suddenly felt like I could do all of Sasuke's rinnegan and sharingan moves. I looked back into Sasuke's now black and almost lifeless eyes while he just whispers "Goodbye... you're a good kisser..." I feel my eyes water up as my friend dyes and sakura bawls. In my conscious, I tell Kurama, "I'm going to kill Kaguya." I then activate my newfound powers and fly up at incredible speeds behind Kaguya and before she knows what's happened I slam both seals on her and seal her once and for all.

"NOOOO, YOU PUNY MORTAL, IF I GO DOWN YOU'RE GOING DOWN WITH ME!!!!" Kaguya angrily yelled. All of a sudden I felt as if all of my organs inside my body were pushing the walls inside of me into a black hole. Inside my head, I heard Kurama say "Hey Kit, if you don't get out of her black hole thing your gonna die! The only problem is that It's impossible. You can't change your position in space at all. So the solution is that you let me do an ancient jutsu that instead of changing where we are it changes when we are. It could possibly put us back to when you were just a genin, even before that like during Minato's time, or even thousands of years into the future. One thing is though, traveling through time has 1 side effect... You become immortal. Now, what do you say?" "I say, Yes! Of course! If it gets me out of this horrible situation yes!" "Alright I need you to focus all of your chakra into me, and I'll perform the jutsu... Alright, three... Two... One!" I focus all of my chakra into him and right before my body gets completely sucked in I feel my body squeeze and stretch hundreds of times in what seemed like an instant. All of a Sudden I'm falling through the air and I look below me and see an island with a HUGE tree on it. As it gets closer and closer I brace for impact, and as I hit the ground everything blacks out.

Mavis Vermillion POV.

It was the S rank trials, and acnologia has attacked. As everything came to silent tranquility after I activated the fairy sphere with there friendship, it seemed like nothing existed except this island in the whole world. The amount of friendship and love power they put together was enough to put them in time suspended space for 5 to 10 years. The leaves still swayed in the wind yet I knew that they were in a different time than outside. I knew that it would be a long time until the golden sphere around the island would disappear. I then prepared myself for a long time staying on the island. Although Time still seemed to pass, Living things seemed to have been frozen in time. Good thing I'm dead... or is that a bad thing.  I then decided to move the young guild members into different places along the island making sure that there was an air of tranquility around them. I knew that it was time for a lot of patients.

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