Chapter III

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Its been 3 months since I started training in the forest and I haven't really had any interruptions. I had started to build a little hut that I sleep and live in, however, I spend most of my time outside training or hunting. When I'm training I usually make a bunch of shadow clones to train on different things while I go hunting for food. I was in the middle of skinning a rabbit when I remembered that Mavis had told me to teach the guild that has been messing with her guild a lesson. I decided that I should set out in the morning to go to the guild and leave them a small gift. I finished prepping the rabbit and dispelled all of my clones.

The next morning I set out to Mongolia to go to the guild. I figured I would leave a sort of seal that would explode into a cloud of stink gas when they next enter the guild. Their guild hall would smell terrible for weeks. A bit childish but still effective. It almost seemed like the old pranks I did when I was a kid. I still miss the days when I could be so carefree and have fun pranking everyone. Even if I was hated by all the villagers it was still better than the war, and now I would probably never get to go back to Konohagakure. I pushed the sad thoughts of my old home to the back of my head. I focused on the task at hand. After 3 months of living in the forest, I was able to figure out how to navigate it pretty well, even if it was supposed to be almost impossible to navigate. I decided I would leave the forest through the south side because there was a train station not so far from there.

As I made my way out of the forest I met little interference. I estimated it would be about a 2 day trip from here to Magnolia and two days back. I would probably Stay about 3 days in Magnolia because I would want to resupply my stock of weapons and such. I didn't have much money though so I figured I would bring some of the rare things that I had found deep in the forest.

I left the forest and started to make my way to the train station. As I ninja ran through the fields I saw something peculiar. There was a group of weird looking people carrying a big object towards the train station. There were five people in total, one had a mask on like Kakashis except it went all the way over his head. Another had a huge long thing on his back. The rest were wearing weird spikey metal and hide armor. They had a big carriage with a crate on it and were heading toward the train station. I decided that I should check out what they're doing to make sure they don't have any malicious intent.

As I came up to the group I heard one of them say, "Hey boss we have a guy coming up to us on our left. Do you want me to deal with him?" "Ya, please do, make sure he doesn't interrupt our operation." The guy in the mask said. She then approached me and said, "Hey! What are you lookin at? I recommend you turn around and mind your own business." "Well by the sound of it, it seems you're about to do something bad arent you." I responded. "Maybe we are, wouldn't you like to know. Now if you don't turn around and leave I'm gonna have to knock some sense into you." She said threatening me. I then changed the expression on my face to one that would strike terror in any normal person, and said: "I think you may be mistaken, It is not I who will have sense knocked into them but instead you." I smiled darkly and activated the Mangekyo sharingan. I put her under a genjustsu that she was getting eaten by the earth and in under a second she was shriveled up on the ground looking terrorized.

The other guys seemed to notice what was going on and started to come at me. I easily flashed behind them and in 4 swift strikes had all of them knocked out. I restrained them with an earth style and opened up the crate they were taking to the train station. Inside was some kind of magical contraption that I assumed was some kind of bomb. Amazing what guys as weak as they could get their hands on. I just saved a lot of lives. I pulled out a scroll and sealed the bomb into it. I continued my way to the train station and notified the law enforcement at the train station of the situation. They seemed very grateful and left to fetch the criminals. They took the bomb as proof of what happened and was amazed at the scroll I sealed it in but probably assumed it was some kind of magic.

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