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I woke up and brushed my teeth and hair. I washed my face and took a shower.

Now, I have packed up and washed up. I wore something very simple and warm.

My black wings sweater with some clothes under it and black leggings.

I know it's basic. But comfort over style.

I got my suitcase and brought it downstairs. I made some food for myself and Jungkook.

I looked at the front of the door and his shoe's are gone. He's probably at Michelle's house.

They call me a slut when it should be her.

I called my mom.

"Hi mom, Jungkook isn't home."

"Oh maybe he's at a friend's house."

"Probably, well I am ready to leave."

"Well, wait for Jungkook. Call me when he gets home and then we will pick you guys up. Okay?:

"Yes mom."

I ended the call, wait a minute. I can meet up with Taehyung and tell him about this.

I texted him to meet me up at the same spot where we always meet.

I went to school and went to that spot.

"Oh your already here, sorry if I took a lot of your time." I apologize.

"Oh it's nothing, what did you want to meet up for."

"It's kind of serious, don't worry it's not about us. Let's get some ice cream and talk there." I said scatching the back of my neck.

"Oh then okay." He said and we went there.

Once we got there we lined up.

"Oh yeah, I will be paying this time." I said.

"Okay then." He replied.

We order, waited, and got our orders and found a spot to sit and talk.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.

"You know my bully, well... were in a arranged marriage." I said.

"Okay keep going." He said.

"And my mom and his mom plan a honeymoon for us. And I am leaving today but I have to wait for him till he gets home."

"Doesn't he have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure if she knows about this realtionship." I said.

"How long will you be at your honeymoon?"

"For like I think 3 days."

"Oh okay, well good luck." He said then continue eating his ice cream. So did I.

We finished our ice cream and head back to our meet-up spot.

"Well um bye Y/N and good luck." He said.

"Bye Taehyung and I will text you what happens when I am there."

"Alright." He said and leave and so did I.

I got home and I saw Jungkook waiting. With his legs crossed and looking at his phone. Then he look up.

"Took you long enough. Where were you?" He asked.

"I was... hangout with my friend." I replied.

"With that idiot." I said.

"Are you jealous?" I asked.

"You... can.... not.... talk... by.. to... me.... you. BITCH!" He yelled at me.

"There is no point of punishing you now. Maybe when we get there. And mom and your mom are coming soon to pick us up."he said.

"By the way, Michelle is coming with us."

Ermm okay then..

"Jungkook and Y/N get your suitcases were going." We heard our mom yelling us to come.

I got my suitcase and left.

I placed my things in the trunk and got inside and did Jungkook.

Then they drove us to the airport.

"Okay kids, we're here!" My mom said.

"Thanks mom." We both said.

"Have a safe trip!" She said and we exited the car. Got our things from the truck and went inside.

We got our ticket, went through security, and found our area that we are going to Paris.

I sat on a chair and got my phone out. I started texting to Taehyung.

Hi Tae.

Hi Y/N, are u at Paris?

Not yet we're still at the airport.


I'll brb I have to go somewhere.


I left Jungkook and went to the washroom. It was crowded, and I hate crowded spaces.

Once I was done doing my business. I went back to our area and saw Michelle. That's one other thing I can talk to Tae about.

I got to my spot and moved my suitcase away from them. So that can have their "sweet moment".

I sat down and started texting him.

I'm back.

Oh hello again.

I forgot to tell you about this but Michelle is coming with us.

Omg what's the point of having a honeymoon when your the third wheel. :I


Well please make other friends than me! I want u to explor the world.

I mean I have you, Yeontan, and Edward.

Who's Edward?

Oh well long story short. I tried to kill myself and then I was unconious or in a coma I guess. And I saw him and he told me he saved me and he is a angel.

Wow, that's cool.

Did u meet up with him again?

In fact, yes in my dream.


I then heard an announcement.

"The Paris plane will now be accepting passengers on the plane. Please bring your ticket with you." Oh I guess I will be going.


They said how we can start going on the plane.

Oh well, bye Y/N and have a safe flight.


I lined up and got my ticket scanned and got on the the plane. Well this is going to be a some-what long trip. I head to my seat but then I heard a voice behind me.

"You can't sit there, Michelle is sitting there."

The end of this chapter.

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