Learning to Code

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- Using a new type of code and using shorthand's from your previous code you worked with and not realising until it's not working

- Adding semicolons at the end of code when you don't need to because you're not using C# anymore (OR keeping adding semicolons in code you don't need to- e.g. VBA)

- Make one mistake and you have to trawl through loads of code to find out where, and when you have you often have to edit more than one line of code to make it to work

- Always having to remember to add indents otherwise you're gonna have fun looking back through it (or if you're at college: having fun listening to your teacher yell at you for not having indents)

- *Me when it doesn't work*
"Ugh I hate coding"
*Me when it works*
"I love coding!"

- Having comments but forgetting to update/ remove them so you end up confusing yourself when looking back

- Having no comments so trying to figure out what the heck everything does

- Being British and using a language that uses American variations of words

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