xv- his smile

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× story xv ×

Ming was there, standing in front of his mirror as he checked out his own appearance, styling his hair nicely and determing if he looked good enough when he heard his mother calling for him,"MingBear! Kit is here!".

Hearing that, Ming winked at his own reflection in the mirror and smiled afterwards before he ran down the stairs while shouting,"I am coming down!".

There, he saw his favourite person standing next to his mother and it seemed like they were having a good time.

"P'Kit!", Ming exclaimed and grinned happily upon seeing the said male who smiled a little at him.

"I've been waiting for you!", Ming claimed as he faked cries.

"I don't think I'm late?".

"But it felt like forever 'cause the days without you are dull and plain boring ", Ming reasoned.

"Since when are you this hype for tutoring class?", Ming's mother asked as she teased him.

"Mae~", Ming whined which causes his mother to laughed as she pinched his cheeks.

"You're like a big baby", she teased with a smile which resulted in Kit chuckling a little.

"Enough, I have to go buy groceries. And also, are you staying for dinner?", she asked Kit.

"Umm...I don--", before he could finished his sentence, it was cut off by Ming.

"He's staying! Right, P'?", Ming said before he turned towards Kit and asked him with his eyes that are practically saying "Please say yes".

"....I'll stay for dinner. I'm sorry for bothering you", Kit said as he scratched his neck.

"Aww, it's okay. I like you, you're a good kid and I think my boy do too. Come over as often as you want, even if you're not here to tutor Ming", Ming's mother smiled as she patted Kit on his shoulder.

"Thank you", Kit smiled.

"Alright, I'll go out now. Is there anything you need?", she asked the both of them who shook their heads in returned before she left the house with a happy smile.

"...Your mom... Is a nice person", Ming smiled softly at the words Kit said.

"Yeah...my mom is kind and gentle. She is strong and amazing for being able to be raise me on her own after my dad passed away", Ming said as Kit could only listened.

"Ah, I've said too much. Sorry", Ming apologized as he walked up the stairs with Kit following him.

"I don't mind listening and rather than that, thank you for sharing your story. It must've been hard on the both of you".

"Hmm, it wasn't hard for me. My mom made sure that I wasn't alone. She made me feel complete and happy even without my dad. But it must've been hard for her", Ming said as he opened the door to his room, allowing Kit to enter first.

"I see...".

"Anyway, let's start our lessons for today. It's additional maths today, right?", Ming asked with a bright smile as he pulled out an additional maths exercise book from the stack of books on his study table and placed it on the table nicely.

"Yeah, so which question did we stopped at? Was it question number 13?", Kit asked.

"Hm, yes".

"Hmm, let's see... This is a function question, I hope you still remember how to do it", Kit said as he stared at Ming.

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