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MACKENZIE walked the halls of her way-too-crowded school, alone as always. Even though her name had always somehow met almost everyones mouth, ever since the incident, she spent most of her time alone.

Johnny and Brynn were officially dating. Nobody could quite understand why, or how, because the whole deal about that group was that they didn't date. Mackenzie didn't care though, she had gone a month without talking to them and had planned on keeping it that way.

The bell rang, and the small girl began to walk into the direction of her first period class. She felt peoples eyes on her as she hurriedly sped past with her hands in her sweater pocket, and kept her head down, ignoring the comments that she heard.

"What the fuck is up with Mackenzie? She used to be so hot and then she started covering up with sweatshirts."

"Why is she so moody all the time?"

"She looks emo!"

Tears filled the rim of her eyes as she finally walked into her class and plopped into her seat. She looked around the room and her eyes met with Maisy, who was mouthing "What's wrong?" to Mackenzie. She simply rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the teacher who was babbling on about the meaning of an article.

The door suddenly opened and an unfamiliar face stumbled into the class, muttering a sorry to the teacher.

"Are you Ashton Arbab?" Ms. Doemel asked the guy, narrowing her eyes at him. He simply nodded his head and she sighed. "Sit right there next to Mackenzie. Mackenzie, raise your hand."

I waved and smirked at Ashton, which resulted in a small smile stretching across his face as he sat down next to me. "Hi, I'm Ashton.. wait you probably already know that." I chuckled at his nervousness and shook my head in a jokingly manner. "I'm Mackenzie." She grabbed his hand and shook it, making him smile.

For the rest of the hour the two conversed and got to know each-other, and at the end of the hour Ashton ended up giving Mackenzie his sweatshirt all because she said "It's a bit cold in here." She liked how considerate he was.

Unfortunately, the bell rang and the two had to depart as they had already looked at each-others schedules and realized they only had 1 class together.

They walked out of the class together and Mackenzie yelled as they went seperate ways, "Don't forget to snapchat me!" He smiled and gave a thumbs up.

sup bros.

the broken hearts club (JENZIE.)Where stories live. Discover now