Chapter 3-Refuge

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Something was happening to me. I am changing. My mind had gone blank. And my body stopped reacting for a moment. It was numb. I was weightless. Then ....

I felt the pain in my chest as if I was going to burst. Thousands of cells were burning same time.

I am burning inside as if I had drunk acid. I felt cold outside and fire inside. I was never meant shift till my eighteenth which is two months away. This is unplanned.
Is shifting this much painful. I am not sure how I am going to manage it.

Without my family. Nor mate.

I fell in water and I felt water gushed inside me making me free of bonds. I couldn't feel my body. I was numb.

Am I dying...?

I felt bones are breaking. And then joining in another structure. Molding me to a new creature

I felt water like my blood

As I surfaced, I felt air like my life

As I walked to shore, I felt earth like my new journey.

Then I felt fire in my body I was glowing. And I felt fire.

I am a wolf now.

"Hello Aurelia. I am your wolf, Your other half. Halcyonia....... Accept me" I heard voice in my mind.

I closed my eyes and felt my wolf's presence. I accept you Halcyonia.

With that words moon light showered on her,

Moon light????????? Today is supposed to be moonless night.

I was confused. But I felt coolness and calmness. A strange calmness engulfed me as if someone or something is soothing me. Asking me to relax.

My reflection was clear on water. I am shocked as prophecies about me correct. My fur color was gold. Pure gold.

Indeed, I am a golden wolf. As the legend says.

"Child, Use your gifts well. Always looks beaten you. Keep your eyes on ground. Accept your gift my child.... You need to seek out what you need. Accept what comes you and you will lead the world my child"

I heard words that calmed my doubts. my eyes were down on ground. I knew who it was.

I was indeed a golden wolf. A true decedent of great Amelia Worthington, who happened to be my great grandmother and last golden wolf in the history of were wolves.

My fur shined in moon light. It shines can blinded anyone. All seem like magical illusion. I knew my new world starts here. But with power comes responsibility.

"Run, Aura. They are coming to get you." Halcyonia yelled in my head. Suddenly it was dark. Pitch black. There was no moonlight no voice.

Was it my imagination or really moon goddess? But there was no time to think. I need to escape from here.

Then I heard sounds of growls came closer. I rolled in mud and ran in super speed. This time my speed increased ten times faster. I ran like a tornado living behind everything. I felt powerful and strong. I ran for hours without taking any rest. I don't know how long I ran like this. sometimes there was no path and no directions. Still I went with my intuitions blindly.

I ran miles and miles without any break. Sounds of my enemies were gone long back. I have left them behind. But that didn't stop me. I was gone far.
Finally my legs give in. And I stopped and rested under a tree. My energy has drained and I fell down. And sleep engulfed me. I slept dreamless.

I woke up in warm comfy bed. As I opened my eyes, I knew I was in hospital. My dirty dress was replaced with a dull hospital gown.

And a woman with blonde hair and sharp eyes was sitting in front me. She had aura of superiority around her. She is a Luna. That means I was saved by her pack. Will she give me refuge?

"You woke up Miss Worthington. She said warmly."

"How do you know me and where am I "I said trying to get up.

"Don't get up. You are weak, we found you unconscious in our borders. And who does not know you. You are Aurelia Worthington. The famous golden pack heir. The slaughter of your pack by red rogues is all over in the news and you were missing. And we find you here around thousand miles far from your pack but how come you reached this far. This place is too far from your pack.

I remined silence. Sensing that she said.

"Take rest my child. No one will harm you here. This is red fire pack. I am Myra. Luna of this pack. Not great as your pack still you can live here peacefully. "

"Are you giving me asylum" I asked her.

"Yes, my husband decided that moment he recognized you. But keep one thing mind

"Keep your eyes open and trust no one," She warned me.

I looked at her strangely and oddly.

"If you need anything, I am there for you "She patted my head and slowly walked out the room as watched her. I felt motherly.

I lay down. Closing my eyes.

Then it hit me.

Smell of wooden musk and peppermint.

He is here....

I can feel him.

My mate.......

Aura and Nick Meeting again...........

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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