Chapter 2

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"Luke.. That boy... sounded sad.." I frown, leaning against him and i kiss his cheek "His voice sounds familiar." Luke answers, holding me close and pecks my lips "You're so cute." he smiles "Always thinking about others before yourself. And you dont even know that guy.. I dont think you should trust him." He says, i frown

"He's sweet. He's just my minecraft buddy nothing more nothing less." i say standing up "I need to go get ready i guess." I says then skip upstairs and sigh heavily as i walk in my bathroom, stripping to the nude then step into the shower and starts washing my hair and body then wahses the soap out of my long blonde hair and sigh, i hum to myself and turns the water off and dries off, then walk into my room. i close the door and drop my towel to the floor and look in my top drawer of my dresser, pulling out a push up bra and a pair of lace underwear, before slipping both the garments on then turns back to my bed, shocked to see Luke

"Thanks for the show sexy." I blush brightly "L-Luke.. how long have you been in here for?" I ask, getting out a large jumper, down to her thighs and slips it on "Why'd you put the jumper on..It's just gonna get ripped off in a few minutes." He smirks, pulling me close "You're so sexy and perfcet." He says smiling a bit. I blush "Luke.. do we have time for this... We're supposed to be meeting Marcus and Zoe at the movies in... 10 minutes." I say checking my watch. He smirks

"Of course baby.. We have enough time." He says lifting the large jumper from her body. i smile and lean up to kiss him. He kisses me back softly but still roughly, his lips soft against mine. He pulls me up by my thgihs and i wrap my legs around his waist "Love you baby." He mumbles against my lips. I nod "I love you too baby." i says reaching back to un clip my bra " Take it off." He mumbles, laying me down on my bed, i smile and throw it to the side as he strips me of my lace underwear. I pout "You're half dressed Lukey.. strippp." I whine, pulling his shirt off...

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