What Are Our Dirty Little Ships?

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S: Fun~

P: Yes quite.

S: Let's first organize this like good authors! Because we are one! Why is my nose growing?

P: ... Because you're unconsciously lying..

S: I believe I'm going to regret this but oh well!

P: Like 2016's quotes?

S: Even worse. Even worse than Sanxy's quotes. Lets just makes sure our future children don't find this! Well... MY, future children.


1. Non Canon

2. No side ships

3. No ships with our OC's

Ash X Serena

P: This ship is a bit complicated as it shows that Serena and Ash actually met during Pokemon Camp back in Kanto and basically Ash saving her life. Ash doesn't remember this however but Serena still is determined get him to remember. Plus a little bonus since Ash actually had his first real kiss from Serena when she was leaving to go somewhere at the end of the series.

(I stopped watching X/Y and X/Y/Z after 16 or so episodes. Because I kinda got bored of it.)

S: I have nothing really to say to be honest, I don't know who Serena is (I do know Ash but from the original series), And I don't really have an opinion on them, So don't mind me. OuO

Lillie X Hau

P: More Pokemon ships! I'll make these 2 short. I like how they care for one another seeing how protective Hau is with Lillie and how Lillie like's Hau's personality. However this is more shown in I believe Ultra Sun and Moon.

Gladion X Protagonist

P: The fandom is making this ship too adorable. A Kuudere edgelord who is in a relationship with a silent protagonist. I think that's an interesting idea and in my opinion much better than Hau x Gladion since, they dislike each other (Their personalities clash and it's not good.)

Ghirahim X Fi

P: I got into this ship not long after I was getting back into Zelda, having a newfound appreciation for Skyward Sword and Ghirahim as a character. Although the game wasn't the main reason as to why I got into the ship, the main reason was by this DeviantArtist and Tumblr User by the name of Z-Raid.

This artist made me extremely into the ship, just by how in character the interactions of the characters are. Should it be canon however?

I don't really know, considering they're enemies, because they're on opposite sides. But either way, I still enjoy this ship.

S: I don't ship him with anyone... Ok that's a lie- going to be honest right here and now... Ok keep in mind! I think I was like 11 or 12 but... I shipped Link and Ghirahim a tiny bit! KEEP IN MINE I WAS A CHILD!!! DON'T JUDGE ME!!!

Elizabeth Midford X Ciel Phantomhive

P: There is only one reason I ship this and that is because Ciel is the only one that can tame Elizabitch oh sorry, Elizabeth.

S: Hate Elizabitch- therefore I hate this ship... Nuff said... Also AREN'T THEY FUCKING COUSINS!?!?!?!

P: .. It was in the 18-19 hundreds, do you think they cared?

S: Still. That's why they're the most messed up... Second... three- okay humans in the past were fucked up!

Edward X Roy

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