Chapter 3

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It didn't matter how much I tossed or turned because I just couldn't sleep. It wasn't that I'm not tired (because believe me I was) but it was just so much to comprehend. That was also the reason I heard footsteps in the hall. At first I thought it would be like Oliver or something but then I heard someone say: 'You're certain this is her room? I don't wanna wake that arrow dude.' 'yes I am certain,shut up now you idiot or you'll wake her and she will not be happy if we fail.' I quickly pretended to be asleep again and waited till they were here. Finally after what seemed hours I heard them opening the door and walking in. 'She's asleep.' 'Great, now let's knock her out. We don't want her to wake.' Nah ah I thought I rather take my chances fighting than being kidnapped. So I rolled out of bed and took a defensive stance, glad my parents made me take that self defense sport. I immediately went to attack and got a few hits until they finally hit me back. I fell down to the ground and yelled to try and wake  up the others. In the meanwhile the two guys advanced on me and I quickly took my defensive stance again. Only when they tried to hit me and I put up my hand for protection there appeared some kind of shield at the place where my hands were. 'Holy shit' I practically screamed. Meanwhile Oliver and Killerfrost made it into the room. They quickly defeated the two guys and then turned to were I stood, or rather kinda collapsed on the chair. 'What was that' Oliver asked. 'Honestly your guess is as good as mine.' At that Killerfrost interjected,'Well you're a meta human, duh.' 'yeah but how, I am just your regular kid, unless you're counting the fact that I teleported to here but hey, minor details. Also how are you here, I thought you and Caitlin were seperated. Well yeah but she found a way to get me back and I'm not complaining.' 'Oh okay, yeah no problem, it just gets weirder and weirder.' 'So who are those two guys' Oliver said to me. 'I don't know, I only know that they wanted to kidnap me to bring me to a person, a she' Well lock these guys up in one of those meta cells and we'll interrogate them in the morning.' 'Well guys I don't think I can sleep anymore now though. Are there any books here or something.' 'yeah here, Cisco always keeps a book in most of the rooms.' Killerfrost said when she transformed back to Caitlin. 'Thanks' I said and went on with reading. I was fast asleep a few minutes later contradicting my earlier statement.

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