(4) Rain

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(Media Art by @ nadiasyahda on instagram)

"Finally! We're done for the day!"

"Tell me about it." Hunk replied sounding tired.

Lance worked part time at Vrepit Sal's restaurant with Hunk. Usually Lance loved taking people's orders and small talks here and there but today was more exhausting. Uncle Sal didn't come today and left Lance and Hunk in charge of the restaurant. Things worked out smoothly but it was tiring being in charge and doing their own jobs at the same time. Plus they get to close early.

"And I said when I grow up I wanted to start my own restaurant." Hunk mumbled.

"Aww, don't worry bud, yes, today was hard but don't let that stop you from achieving your dreams." Lance patted Hunk's shoulder.

"Thanks dude." Hunk smiled "Man, I'm so lucky to have a friend like you."

"No hay problema amigo." (No problem friend (if this is wrong I'm so sorry, I used google translate and the only language I speak is English))

"Anyways, we should get going the weather forecast said it's gonna rain tonight and it looks like it's gonna rain sooner than later. Want me to drop you off at your place?" Hunk gestured to his car.

"Nah, it's okay dude. I'm pretty sure I can reach home before the sky cries. See ya!" Lance waved at Hunk and began speed walking towards his home.

"Bye dude! Stay safe!"


Keith had the whole house to himself.

His parents were out on a date, Shiro went out with Adam and Acxa had gone off to work.

Keith was out at the backyard just laying on the grass staring at the sky. Grey clouds were beginning to cover up the sky.

Suddenly, something jumped on him and licked his face.

"Kosmo! Where have you been boy?" Keith chuckled, petting the wolf.

Kosmo bit Keith's shirt tugging him to the back door.

"What's wrong Kos?" Keith asked concerned.

Droplets started pelting his skin. He scooped up Kosmo and went into the house. Luckily the rain had just started so they were just a bit wet.

He dried Kosmo. Once he was done he headed up to his room with Kosmo trailing behind him.

Keith decided to take a cold shower on a rainy day because he's bored and doesn't have anything to do.

Once he was done, he draped his towel over his shoulders and headed back downstairs. First thing he saw was Kosmo running around the fireplace area. When Kosmo noticed him, the wolf pounced on him trying to get his owner to light up the fireplace.

After lighting up the fireplace, Keith sat near the window with some hot cocoa and started sketching random things.


Lance felt droplets pelting his skin. At first it was gentle and slow and then it quickly escalated.

Lance ran.

His house was still quite far away. He groaned "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid Lance." and ran faster.

He ran passed a familiar house and then stopped in his tracks. He walked backwards and looked through the window and saw Keith. Climbing over the short fence which separated the public from their private property.

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