(6) Lazy Afternoon

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(Media art by @ swangsart on Instagram)

"Never again." Lance plopped himself on the car seat exhausted from all the "ghost hunting".

"Come on, it was a kind of fun." Keith plopped himself on the driver's seat.

"Mmm." Lance grumbled.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Keith asked.

"Eh, some time for us to relax? A free day for us? I mean the past few days were filled with a lot of things going on. Plus I'm pretty sure you want to have a little nap once we get back."

"Yeah, I guess." Keith yawned.


"Home sweet home!" Lance shouted entering Keith's house.

"This isn't your home." Keith said.

"Anyways why are you still at my place."

"Come on mullet, I'm just staying for the afternoon and then I'll be out of your hair."

"But why?"

"Why not?"

"Fine. You can stay."

"Okay, nighty night mullet. Loverboy Lance needs his zzz's."

"Okay. I need some sleep too boy lover."


Once Keith hit the pillows he was out. Lance was about to fall asleep when he realised what Keith had said to him.

"Boy lover? It's loverboy to you pretty boy hmpf." Lance huffed angrily and faced away from Keith.

Did I just called Keith pretty?

Pfft he has a mullet how can he be pretty.

No bueno for the ladies.

Lance turned over to face Keith realising that they were sharing a bed and were quite close to each other.

Lance gulped.

Why did I do that?

Keith was sleeping. His face looked relaxed and at peace. His long lashes touched his cheeks.

Lance wanted to play with Keith's hair, kiss Keith's lips.

He looks like an angel.

Lance shook his head, still denying that he likes Keith.

But he's actually a devil.

Lance turned the other way and went to sleep.


Keith was the first to wake up.

"Agh. Fuck my life." he yawned, getting out of bed.

He looked over to see Lance still sleeping.

"What to do, what to do." He said sitting at his desk staring out of the window.

"So this is what it's like to feel bored?" Keith asked to himself.

Keith seldom felt bored considering the fact that he always have something to do. Like art, conspiracy theories, exercising-

"Exercise? I haven't done that for quite some time." Keith mumbled to himself already changing to his sports attire.

Keith took a piece of paper and a pen writing a note for Lance.

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