Chapter 4 - Unbelievable

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"You know, I don't even know your name." Gwen brings up, as she moves around her tiny kitchen, the benches cluttered due to the kitchen's limited cupboard space with cooking utensils, jars, a blender, glasses, sauces, cook books etc... Gwen's made it work though, everything having its special place. She's always been pretty organised and clean like that.

She hears him snorts from across the kitchen where he sits at the table next the 1950's vintage mint-blue fridge. She glances over her shoulder at him, her hazel eyes meeting his blues ones, that were clearly already watching her. Even in the poor yellowy light of her kitchen he looks marvellous, his features more outlined, especially his sharp jaw and golden blonde hair.

"What?" She asks, unable to interpret his reaction.

"I just can't believe you don't know my name." He remarks, bemused, as he shakes his head to himself.

"Are you famous or something?" She turns back to the task at hand of finding two mugs, though its proving difficult to concentrate as she feels his eyes relentlessly on her. It wouldn't surprise her if he is famous, he is good-looking enough to be, in a rugged model sort-of-way.

He chuckles. "No, I'm not."

"So, what is it?" She presses, incredibly curious, and wanting to not have to refer to him as 'her intruder' in her mind forever.

"Theo." He replies simply, as if his name disinterests him.

Theo... She says it in her head a few times, trying to get a feel for the name. She decides she likes it. It's strong and suits him, not to mention it's kind of sexy. Her perverted thoughts leading her to imagine what it would be like to call that name out while in the wild throes of passion.

She shakes herself from her indecent wayward thoughts, moving on. "You don't have a last name?" She questions, as the kettle rumbles and steams before the switch flicks up and turns the little machine off.

"I'll tell you it another time." He promises, though rather dismissively.

She pours the boiled water into two mugs and brings them over to the table where Theo is sitting. He looks a little too large for the tiny table, his tall strapping body awkward in the little wooden chair he's seated on. He looks like he's sitting at one of those child's plastic tea party tables.

She sets down a mug in front of Theo, who thanks her. Then she sits down too, across from him, eyeing him curiously as she watches him bring the cup to his lips and blow gently. He takes a cautious sip, then grimaces and frowns at his cup.

"Yuck. What is this, Gwen?" He asks, looking up at her suspiciously. She can't help but laugh, entertained by his appalled expression.

"Sleepytime tea." She answers innocently, still grinning at him.

He blinks at her cluelessly.

"It's meant to relax you and make you sleepy." She explains, amused and surprised by his naivety. She thought most people knew what Sleepytime tea was.

"And to think you were worried the aspirin I gave you the other night would knock you out. When really I should be the one worried about you knocking me out." He mutters bleakly, but Gwen sees a faint smile on his lovely lips.

She rolls her eyes. "It won't knock you out. Like I said: it relaxes you."

"You don't need tea to make you feel relaxed, alcohol works just fine." His eyes are alight with that wicked suggestiveness again, as he leans towards her across the table, causing her heart to intuitively pound harder and her cheeks to flush. Then he leans back, grinning, like he's enjoying the effect he has on her. "Then again, you were always a lightweight when it came to drinking." He adds playfully.

"Like you would know." She mumbles, trying to be irritated with him but struggling; he just looks so damn attractive when he grins at her like that.

"I do, unfortunately." He teases, finding amusement in her uncomfortableness and confusion.

Gwen doesn't reply, all playfulness suddenly vanishing in her.

She frowns, looking down at her hands wrapped around her warm mug.

"What is it?" He asks gently, obviously noticing her mood change.

"I don't like it when you say things like that." She admits in a upset voice, her eyes still lowered as she speaks.

"Like what?"

Her gaze flickers to his. "When you talk as if we know each other."

"But we do know–"

"You keep saying that!" She cuts him off, anger and exasperation making her snap. "What does that mean? You said you were going to explain, so explain."

He sits back in his seat, scowling, his lips pressed in firm line. "I said it was hard to explain, not that I would explain." He clarifies, matter-of-factly.

She sits forward in her seat, glaring at him. "That's not fair! You nodded, you agreed to explain!" She fumes, her hands now in fists on the table. She feels like hitting him, and for a moment really considers it but she knows she'd probably injure to herself more than him.

He says nothing, he just stares to the side, showing how determined and stubborn he is to not give her any answers.

Gwen crosses her arms and sits back in her chair, trying to control her outrage towards him but having little success. She feels like she's at the end of her tether. She wants answers. She wants to know why this man has suddenly burst into her life.

"Who are you to me, Theo?" She finally asks in complete and utter confused desperation, wanting to sound mad but her voice only betraying her, instead sounding weak and pleading, and kind of trembling like she might break into angry tears at any moment.

His eyes widen when she asks this and turn to hers, blinking at her, stunned.

"I'm your husband." He blurts out in one exhale, like the words were trapped inside his mouth but were finally being set free. 


He's her husband?!  Whaaaaat?

More will be explained in the next chapter: "Personal" 

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